View Full Version : oral thrush / scared stiff!

10-11-08, 14:29
Hi guys,

I've read similar threads but just need some reassurance / clarification to try and put my mind at rest.

I have been diagnosed by the doctor as having oral thrush. Stupidly I googled the problem against my better judgement and hey presto I'm now certain I have HIV or cancer.

I have been in a state of high anxiety for about a month now and had every nasty symtom under the sun - most importantly I have been feeling very run down and dehydrated. My mouth is always dry and as such I'm drinking pints of water to no avail. I am also not eating properly due to bad indigestion. I'm using Nystatin but I'm not helping matters by constantly thinking about it, getting worked up and causing my mouth to dry up further! I'm trying to adopt a PMA and tell myself its nothing but I need some reasurrance please!

PS I am a 28yr old male and my girlfriend has recently had a urinal track infection and vaginal thrush. Sorry to be explicit. I'm also not on any other meds.

10-11-08, 14:44
Im so sorry your having a bad time.

Have you every thought about going to get tested for any STD just to put your mine at rest.

I use to worry so much about having aids or hiv. I went to get tested and every thing was fine. although I still worry about it.

I hope the thrush clears up soon.

Hope your ok :bighug1:

10-11-08, 16:01
Look into candida. It's pretty common and causes oral thrush and 1000 other weird symptoms. That would be more probably than HIV or cancer, and it's harmless.

10-11-08, 17:11
Hey there, my boyfriend caught oral thrush too after I had it - sorry to have to go into detail there!

Also trust your doctor, they know better than google I promise!

milly jones
10-11-08, 18:18
i get regular oral thrush, not due to intimacey but due to anx and meds

please dont feel scared

i use dakatarin gel 3 times a day until the thrush has cleared completely, and a bit longer

i get my from gp as i can have thrush every couple of months

hugs pet

milly xx