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10-11-08, 14:32
I do not suffer from HA (AA though) but I thought I would google freckle on hand..............

What came up was quite negative.

I have had this tiny freckle on my hand since I was young it is nothing just a freckle all I can say is if I did suffer from HA :weep:

So as the others say don't google.

10-11-08, 14:46
:scared15: :scared15: :scared15:

Yes I've got freckles on my hand too - well age spots in my case I think.:blush:
Part of my anxiety a few weeks ago was that I suddenly remembered about my 16 year old daughter having a mole on her arm that she had had since birth and that had grown and looked a bit of a funny shape and I paniced and got her into the doctors - she wasn't worried at all but I was absolutely beside myself with worry. I had an appointment at the same time as her so couldn't go in the surgery with her but she came out and said everything was fine with the mole. I carried on being anxious because I had made myself ill with worrying.:blush:

I really do need to stay away from ask.com and google although I tell myself that I only go there to proove to myself that there is nothing wrong and I always make myself feel a hundred times worse.:whistles:

10-11-08, 14:47

im sorry but Im not going to click on it. I have freckles and i dont want to start worrying about them, I worry about enough as it is lol.

I hope your ok x :bighug1:

Cathy V
10-11-08, 15:29
Yep, i guess all the people who do have HA will be so curious that they'll log into this link and scare themselves silly. Im another one with HA and loads of freckles so i wont give into my curiosity :)

10-11-08, 15:35
In other words no matter what you look up when it comes to your body you are bound to find something negative about it so don't.

Cathy V
10-11-08, 15:46
Yes I think we all agree with not googling, perhaps what we are trying to say is that the link wasnt necessary to illustrate the point :D

10-11-08, 16:43
Yes I think we all agree with not googling, perhaps what we are trying to say is that the link wasnt necessary to illustrate the point :D

I have removed the link now:D

Sorry all not suffering from HA I didn't think.:doh:

Cathy V
10-11-08, 17:31
We spook easily Trix :D xxx

10-11-08, 17:50
We spook easily Trix :D xxx

And me when it comes to my cats:weep:

agent orange
10-11-08, 17:56
trixie, i know what you mean. I should not have googled MND, because I scared myself and then had to go to the doctors.Am I mad?

10-11-08, 22:37
I hold my hands up in shame and admit that I google. I really shouldnt because it has made my brain play lots of nasty tricks on me.

I am seriously thinking of getting rid of google from my laptop for ever!!
I always remember a little while back I was looking for some information on a tiny little patch of red skin on my leg (which I had checked out by the doc and he said it was fine) the stuff that google gave me on 'red patch on skin' was alarming! I was terrified.

Google definitely is no doctor and we shouldnt self diagnose or scare ourselves silly by googling!!! (now if only I could take my own advice eh??!!!!)

11-11-08, 01:36
Google is part of the reason my crash was so..bad. It's amazing the amount of stuff you'll get from typing in something as simple as a mole, headache, tummy ache, head pressure, etc. Now that I think about it, I really wish I had never googled ANY of my symptoms, that way I could just trust the doctor and keep living. However, if I hadn't I would have never stumbled across this website. Bittersweet feelings to the max...lol

11-11-08, 16:17
I always google my symptoms if they've been playing on my mind few a while. I think if i google it, it'll help and i won't need to go to my docs AGAIN, although as we all know it never does.
My friend told me that it always brings up the one of most interest first and if you actually carried on scrolling through the pages you would for example find "age spots" which would probably be the most likely.