View Full Version : Result Of Gp Telephone Appointment

10-11-08, 14:52
Dear Everyone

Let's hope this reassures a lot of you who may have been experiencing some symptoms that are / were like mine.

I had been feeling unsteady and wobbly legged for a couple of weeks. I couldn't even stand in the shower.

I was aching and fluey all over, had really bad headaches, had a dry cough and felt generally really grotty.

I asked the doctor, who is so sweet, whether it was the side effects of the 2m diazepam that I have been taking for anxiety (which i have had for years).
He said, no, it's the symptoms of this flu like virus that is going around the country. Thank goodness. I was getting so panicked. He said they can't give anything for it, because its a virus and not bacterial. He said rest for about a week or so, dont do over much, and take pain killers if you need.
(I was getting so bad I nearly called an ambulance. Thank goodness I didn't).

Have a restful week everyone and let me know if this has helped at all.

Love from Rosy
(I am still agoraphobic and panic-struckable).

10-11-08, 14:58
aw im so glad it put your mine at rest. Rest up and hopefully them horrible symptoms will go soon xx

10-11-08, 17:06
Dear Leeann

Thank you. Its a good excuse to be a bit lazy ish, lo!!

Love from Rosy