View Full Version : Does anyone have a dog?

10-11-08, 14:58
Hello everyone, all going well here with the CBT, just after some advice re my puppy.

My 11 week old puppy was wormed friday and had very large worms in his poo which he did in the garden on saturday and has had a few poo;s on the floor with tiny worms in since. All clear now though.

I am very hygenic and with having 3 kids I make them wash their hands before eating. I am mopping my floors daily and cleaning up any mess straight away.

I posted on another forum for worm advice and a lady who is a vet mentioned that these worms cannot be caught but the eggs can be ingested and can cause serious problems such as getting into the blood stream and spreading to liver, brain etc...:ohmy: She called it larval migrans ??she did say its rare that this happens but now im worried sick what if one of the children have ingested the eggs, if the dog has had worms inside him for 2 weeks (how long weve had him):mad:

Can anyone reassure me? worried for my children.

10-11-08, 15:05
Don't worry, I grew up with dogs as did my children and they were OK.

Most puppies have worms and unless your children were in the pups bum area and then put their hands in their mouth I should think they would be OK.

And if they did get them they can be treated. As I said before don't worry.

10-11-08, 15:46

My kiddies were treated for threadworms recently, in the last 3 weeks as my daughter caught them from her friend.

I was just worried about what that lady said to me and I have been keeping our puppy in the back room every since, lol!

10-11-08, 16:46

My kiddies were treated for threadworms recently, in the last 3 weeks as my daughter caught them from her friend.

I was just worried about what that lady said to me and I have been keeping our puppy in the back room every since, lol!

As kids I am sure we ate and handled all sorts of yucky things and touch wood we're still here.

10-11-08, 17:07
I have lived with dogs all my life and this has never happened, plus you are cleaning up ater the pup and getting everyone to wash their hands to so the chances of your children catching them are tiny. And even if they did the chances they would get into the blood stream are even less likely!

Don't worry about what the lady said to you, instead enjoy being with your new puppy until it starts chewing up all the furniture :-D

10-11-08, 17:18
As has been said - worms are quite common in puppies, so nothing to worry too much about.

Just make sure you keep the dog regularly wormed (worming tablets every 6 months), pick up the dog-mess from the garden every day (rubber-gloves & plastic bags), mop the kitchen floor with disinfectant, and always make sure everyone washes hands before eating (scrub under fingernails), and discourage kids from biting their fingernails.

10-11-08, 17:26
As long as no one actually touched the poo with the worms in ,, you can't catch anything..
It usually happens on Parks and public places, when children mess around on the grass and get dog poo on their hands and then rub their eyes. I am sure your kids did not get dog poo on their hands !!!!

milly jones
10-11-08, 17:27
and cuddle ur puppy, its so good for anx xxxx

10-11-08, 17:36
Hello Libby,

I have grown up with dogs, and have owned dogs for years. We haven't had any serious problems with worms. I have found a brilliant all natural wormer, which has won an award - called Vermex - look it up on the net. You can either give it to your dog every day in a treat form, which mine love or in liquid form once a month for two days i think. It is made from herbs, and keeps them worm free without having to use chemicals. This method might make you feel more comfortable.

10-11-08, 20:28
Thanks everyone, I do feel more reassured after your replies.

He was wormed friday and his poo's now are worm free, does that mean he is worm free?poor thing is being kept out of our way at the moment because I am worried about the eggs.

So are they tape worms? I am worried sick we might catch them, yuk yuk. I felt so sick when I saw them in his poo, ekkkkkkkkk.

10-11-08, 21:06
Please don't worry Libby, your dog is now worm free. It is important your dog is socialised with your family otherwise he will get distressed. I know those worms look yukky, but honestly, you have nothing to worry about now.

10-11-08, 21:34
I don't know how we managed to survive growing up in the 50s! I'd hate to be a mother these days, it's one horror story after another. You can't keep your kids in a bubble and it's unfair to ostracize the puppy just because he had worms. The worms were more likely to have been round worms - you would have seen a tape worm. As others have said, worms are normal, every puppy has them, some kids have them - they're treatable. Presumably your children aren't playing with his poos and are washing their hands before eating, so you have nothing to worry about. I've worked for animal rescues and you wouldn't believe how many puppies are handed into shelters simply because some stupid, thoughtless person tells a parent something like this woman told you. DON'T WORRY, LET THE CHILDREN PLAY WITH THE PUPPY.

10-11-08, 21:37
Great advice

10-11-08, 21:58

I think the vet was just warning of the worst case scenario huni. I have had animals all my life and have brough my son up around them (including our dog) and never have any of us cought so much as an itch. I am even guilty of giving my dog loads of kisses and cuddles as does my son. Please try not to worry about it.

Give your wee puppy lots of love because the poor wee thing must have felt so bad with those nasty things inside it.

You won't catch anything..PROMISE!!

Love Lisa

10-11-08, 23:16
Hi Libby

As everyone else has said you and your children are perfectly safe. The worms are all gone now, wormers are very effective. Puppies always have worms. I'd had dogs for years then was lucky enough to have a litter of pups. When I wormed them I was shocked at how many worms there were and the size of them, but their mother was a rescue and in bad condition.

It's perfectly safe to let your kids play wit the puppy, you need to positively encourage it as these are the formative weeks of your puupy's life. Please don't keep the pup segregated as it needs to be socialised.

I've grown up with lots of animals and have never caught anything, it's people you have to worry about lol. They are the ones that carry the germs etc, I'd choose a dog any time.

11-11-08, 07:26
Thank you all so so much:-)

These worms were very long and wrapped around his poo, not sure what type they were, yuk yuk.

I shall try to chill now then ;-) I am not a dog person but I love our little boy very much, he is such a messy thing though, lol!

11-11-08, 21:28
Hi Libby,
The worms you saw are almost certainly roundworms. They are a creamy beige colour and can be as thick as a pencil. Tapeworms are flat and segmented, you normaly see these segments stuck around the anus and base of the tail. They look like rice stuck to the hair. I have bred dogs for twenty five years, I have three grown up children who are all fine. Please do not worry, the risks are so, so small. Enjoy your puppy, like children he will soon be grown....:yahoo:

12-11-08, 10:36
My mum always wormed us when worming the dogs hahahah

But I have had worms from the dog a few times in my life, nothing to worry about there

25-11-08, 20:54
Thanks everyone.

What I was told was that the eggs if ingested can cause blindness in a child? This is worrying me a little just incase they haven't washed their hands properly and my daughter smothers him all the time so its hard to chase her round and make her wash her hands all of the time.