View Full Version : Xmas Party menu

10-11-08, 16:27
Know its ages off yet but throwing a xmas party for about 25 people & want some ideas on what to put on menu, pref something that I can cook in bulk & won't be super pricey. Also, fancy making something bit more exciting that pie & peas, Jackets & chilli etc...Ideas anyone????

10-11-08, 18:19
Lasagne And Garlic bread with various salads


10-11-08, 18:54
ooh yes you could have lots of tasty salads and dips ... yummy yum.

My fav salad is with feta cheese and red onion ... mouth watering now...

10-11-08, 19:02
Big pot of Chilli con Carne

10-11-08, 19:32
I did a big pot of chicken and noodles and homemade bread one year. We had a try with meats and cheeses for sandwiches too.
Worked out pretty good ;)

Oh and you can't ever go wrong with mosticolli (sp)!!
All that's in it is mosticolli noodles, frozen meatballs and pasta sauce. You cook the noodles and then put the whole lot in a baking dish. Bake it for about half an hour and top with shredded mozzarella cheese and then leave it in until the cheese melts.
A 9 x 13 pan will serve 12 people or so.

10-11-08, 19:42
Tapas, you can knock it up well before hand. sliced Chorizo, parma ham, stick wrapped mozzerella around mushrooms and breadcrumbs and fry in olive oil. Dips made wil Creme fraiche, natural yoghurts and chilli/salsa dips.

Small meatballs, lamb and pork lean mince make with breadcrumbs, parmesan cheese, basil, black pepper and an egg in a food mixer, roll and fry in olive oil.

Antipasto with sundried tomatoes, olives (stuffed) artichokes

Rub garlic into ciabatta, cover in tomatoes (chopped tin of plum toms, oregano, garlic, extra virgin olive oil) top with mozzerella cheese adn basil and toast

the list is endless ;)

10-11-08, 19:44
wow ..all round Jacos at xmas with that menu lol.:yesyes:

10-11-08, 20:08
thanks for all your replies, you have made me well hungry now!!!

11-11-08, 08:20
I cooked a boned and rolled turkey and a ham one year, served them cold with loads of salads, cranberry sauce etc. All prepared the day before with some salads to be done on the day. Found myself in the bath with a glass of wine an hour before anyone arrived, completely stress free. Went down a treat, christmas meal without the hassle of timing a christmas dinner.

11-11-08, 09:09
I know its cheating but iceland have really good selection of party food already prepared and ready for oven, jobs a good un lol, 25 is alot to cater for hot, i would tend to go with cold meats and cheese maybe with some fruit, have fun whatever you decide,

Jaco does cheap catering on the side, could always get him round in his gold suit

Emma xx

11-11-08, 14:23
yes Jaco, do you do entertainment? dazzle all my guests in your suit???

11-11-08, 15:46
Cheap? you mention Iceland and you call me cheap?

Hang on, are you Kerry Katona?