View Full Version : PTSD and Alcohol (UPDATE)

VaL 1975
13-06-05, 02:41
Hello all,

I just found out I have PTSD. At first I thought it was panic/anxiety disorder. It turns out that my previous GP thought I was psychotic or something else. He gave me Seroquel which I read it was for Bipolar Disorder, schytzophrenia and other mental illnesses.

It's about to be 1 week since I saw a new doctor who related all my anxiety, panic, depression, anger, and others to that of PTSD. He gave Zoloft and a shot of Vitamin B12. I been feeling a lot better. I have faith in this doctor just as much as I have with the administrators here at this site.

I used to abuse alcohol, I would drink almost 12 beer cans 12 ounces each a day. I quit drinking like that since January, I did drink a beer here in there. You might say I went from an massive alcoholic to a social drinker. As I mentioned in other topics which Meg and Nicola and other pro's have read I keep drinking. I know I should stop because alcohol is a depressant. I have a lot of family get togethers on the way and 90% of my family drinks. I asked a pharmacists about me drinking alcohol he said that they don't recommend, and you know how doctors are, it's the first thing they want you to get rid off.

Have any of you who are taking Zoloft ever had a drink of alcohol, are there any side effects, do you recommend me not to drink. I need an answer from a regular person point of view not as a physician. I don't deny being an alcoholic but we all know feeling a bit buzzed from drinking we relax, we get that "happy" chemical. Please reply any opinions. Thank you.

VG Rivera

13-06-05, 02:59
I have a friend that is on Paxil for 4 years and she drinks...

Yeah I am curios too I am on Buspar and I havnt drank for 6 months... cause I dont know what the side effects would be. and I would like to go out and have a couple drinks like i used too!!

Brandy From the US

13-06-05, 03:08
Oh yeah and also... My doctor tried Seroquel on me also... He said that he thought that I had Bipolar which I do not.. and I had a reaction off of Seroquel
one night I just woke up and was walking down the hallway and I dont know why I was doing that, so to make a long story short I never took that again..


13-06-05, 11:39
Does it not say anything about alcohol in the meds leaflet? :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

13-06-05, 19:34

In reality people do drink wheilst on these meds.

It may make you feel worse the next few days as the sugar highs and lows can instigate a panic , however it is doable..

So glad you're feeling better .. Are you having anymore Vit B injections ? If not get yourself on vit B tablets

alcohol and panic-do they mix? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2409)
Alcohol and medication (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2143)
MEDS AND ALCOHOL (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1068)


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VaL 1975
15-06-05, 17:55
Hello again,

Thank you all for answering to my topic especially Meg who has helped me a lot.

I got to see my new GP again this Monday and to answer Meg's question yes he gave me another vit B12 shot. I can get them every week if I want.

I asked this doctor about drinking with Zoloft and Xanax. He told me I could drink but while doing so to eat, drink slow and do NOT drive. Another thing he mentioned was not drink Xanax when drinking alcohol, he mentioned to stop Xanax wait 3 hours then I could drink. Sounds good to me.

In the Zoloft and Xanax containers it says "May cause drowsiness, alcohol may intensify this effect". When I was taking Seroquel I was able to drink, but everytime I would have a beer I would get extremely bloated. I have drank with with xanax before and I've never felt any different, just a little more happier than usual, but don't we all feel happy with a couple of drinks.

Zoloft, vit B12 injections have helped a lot and Xanax I only take it when I start getting that scary panicky feeling. I also drink tea called Seven Blossoms which relaxes me a lot. It's sold in pharmacies in the USA I wouldn't know if they sell it in UK. It's a product of Mexico perhaps they export it to other countries aswell, you guys might want to try this tea. It has no caffeine. Well talk to you later.

VG Rivera

15-06-05, 18:12
Glad its all going well Val and you have trust in this doctor.


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Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...