View Full Version : Sore lump under armpit help!

10-11-08, 19:52
Hi Guys, i have a big spot under my left arm pit it feels like its under the skin and its very red and sore. Even hurts when i put my arm down. I have just had a bath and did the weekly check every where on my body for lump thing that i have got in to the habit of doing. And shock!! what i think is my lymph node in my left arm is swollen. Would this be swollen because of the spot? i was also wearing a very tight top today which was rubbing on the spot this is how i noticed it. Im so very scared :weep: I know i will end up seeing the doctor over it but i am trying to not see the doctor this week as i hve been every week for the past 3 months!!


10-11-08, 20:01
It's ok hun, take a moment to calm down and relax.

I get these lumps under my armpit, sometimes due to spots, sometimes due to ingrowing hairs after shaving. If it is red and sore then it won't be anything harmful, it sounds like your tight top has rubbed against your pore, it has got blocked and a stop has appeared (I get these all the time - asked the doctor about it once and they confirmed it was just a spot, nothing harmfu;). If you have any spot cream then put it on and leave it to go down.

Cat xx.

10-11-08, 22:11
hi Cat thanks for you reply. it just really hurts and my whole armpit looks swollen. I keep tellling myself that anything nasty would have showed up on the FBC i had done 2 weeks ago but my stupid head is saying other wise. :(


10-11-08, 22:16
Hi Tash, don't forget that pregnancy hormones can affect your skin & make your glands a bit tender. You are getting towards the end of your pregnancy too and i can bet that you are not sleeping that well at the minute. Towards the end of your pregnancy you get more tired and run down. I'm sure that this is all it is hun, do try not to worry. Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy as it won't be long before your little man is here taking up all your time xx

11-11-08, 15:31
Hi pinkpiglet thanks for the reply. I am really trying to be rational but i can feel myself tensing up at the thought of it. I guess the fact that my armpit is sore and and its in that armpit i have the swelling is a good sign as it could be linked. Worried though that i read that you need to worry when the lymph nodes dont hurt. I wonder if anyone knows that if it was something nasty, would more than one lymph node be swollen so in the neck for example?
