View Full Version : need some advice please not sure what i have x

10-11-08, 21:06
hi im not to sure if i have panic attacks or anxiety, ok i will try to explain how i feel at the moment it seen to of started about a month ogo now i was out shopping with my husband this was before all of this was happening to me. we got to morrisons and i felt ill abit like a tummy bug al of a sudden i needed to get out of there i ran to the loo has really bad upset stomach came out the loo i went out side felt as though i was going to pass out ant way the feeling past walking home i needed to go again to the loo there was no loo near by i said to my husband oh god im going to have to go in a bush. some how i wasnt far from home i said to my self hang on for god sake when we got near to ower street i said we need to run asap got home went to the loo i was fine i suffer with ibs. then one day i got up felt fine then felt upset tummy nothing happened was sick but got an ambulance has i felt so ill but hot wobbly strange came home . now when i take my children to school i work out were the nearest toilet is in my head,then my legs go again feel hot breathing a bit fast some times im not to sure if you can have both panic attacks and anxiety together.i took my children to school today i was worried since friday about how i was going to do this i took my propranolol anti sickness tablet rescue remedy and calms then it got so bad i took a diazepam i felt so fed up as i havent had a diazepam for ages but it got me there.i just needed to know if people with panic attacks always have problems with there breathing as most people seem to i dont really.i get wobbly feel sick dizzy need the loo need to run away but dont know were to im new to all this going on i just want to understand it my gp thinks its a bit of both going on i just wanted to know from people who have got a bit of both going on and how to tell which is which sorry for going on it all get a bit much to take in having to take meds to get out the door that worries me a bit thankx for reading this hope some one can help me understand this a bit better xxxx:weep:

10-11-08, 21:13
Welcome to NMP. YOu will find lots of encouragement and support here!!

11-11-08, 09:32
Hi Charlish, so sorry you are feeling so poorly at the moment, the panic feeling is awful, especially if you have just started with it and not learned any coping strategies. The first thing I suggest is that you click on the Panic Attack link on the main menu, you will see it on the left of this writing. This explains exactly what you are feeling, and will suggest ways of coping.
Anxiety and panic do come hand in hand and the symptoms you are getting affect a lot of us. Try not to let the fear of going out get to you, this is what makes it worse, your thoughts are causing you more panic, it's the adrenoline going higher and higher the more you worry. Try listening to the download of Claire Weeks which you will find on the nmp shop, she is brilliant.
You have some medication, but it might not be a bad idea to go back to your doctor and tell him exactly how you are feeling, he will probably be able to help you further.:hugs:

11-11-08, 10:01
:) hiya charlish, like others have said once you understand why all of this happens you can start to put it right in your head.

you are having the fight/flight response which starts to happen automatically and in all sorts of different situations, eventually it all becomes more about this response than about your initial problem?

i have all of the symptoms you mentioned and so do tonnes of ppl on here, but ultimately everyones situationis unique, so some ppl dont get the same symptoms - but mainly we are all still suffering the same thing:lac:

like the guys have said, try to read up as much as you can about this problem and maybe invest in some good books so you have reference material? you can also go to NOPANIC which is another site for these conditions and you can get advice and support there, and also ofcourse you have here which for many ppl is the best place to be?:hugs: tc, emma xxx