View Full Version : Arnica for shock

Gem Can't Switch Off
10-11-08, 21:51

I had a consultation today with a nurse who is a specialist homeopath/acupuncture specialist, and have a question hopefully someone can help with??

I spoke to the nurse because my husband and I have been trying to have a second baby for 2 years and nothing has happened despite reassurances we're both fine, but I'm not ovulating at all. The nurse asked if I'd been involved in any traumas and I told her about my car accident. She said she could tell instantly that my body is in shock. I was amazed but it seems to make sense!!?

I'm trying to tackle several issues at once with regard to my panic attacks/health anxiety and general anxiety. I've always had anxiety problems but they have worsened considerably since I have been involved in several car accidents in a short space of time, none of which were my fault. I find it very difficult to talk about these accidents but had no idea this could be affecting so much, even my fertility.

Anyway, the lady advised I should take arnica for up to a month as it is brilliant for shock, and to see a chiropractor/osteomyologist to sort out any problems with my alignment in the mean time, and come back in the future if I need to.

Does anyone have any opinions on arnica?? Would be amazing if it helps!



10-11-08, 22:07
I took Arnica after the birth of my son as it is supposed to be very good for internal healing (and it is!). I always recommend it to other mums-to-be & they all found it a great help.
Never heard of it for shock but i suppose it could work for any kind of internal trauma.

Gem Can't Switch Off
11-11-08, 17:04
thanks for your reply, I will try it out and post back later if it does help.

Anyone else tried it?

Really bad anxiety at the moment so anything is worth a try


11-11-08, 17:50
Hi there
I've never tried it but a friend swears by it and has even been giving it to her dog to calm him these last few nights of firework noise
Best of luck

11-11-08, 19:33
I'm into homeopathy too hun and before I ever consulted a homeopath I used to just take it for bruising and injury ect but my homeopath made me up a combination remedy including arnica which she says deals with shock not only at the time of event but can deal with it long after the event too - years later infact.

Arnica is the one homeopathic remedy that I think should be in everyones home.

I bought a super little book from www.bookdepository.co.uk (http://www.bookdepository.co.uk) called Arnica by Phyllis Speight which explains all the different uses for it.

I'm a total convert to homeopathy since its helped me with both my anxiety issues and also physical stuff like toothache and a pulled muscle etc etc.

Love Piglet :flowers:

25-11-08, 04:35
Just thought i would let you know gemma that i came accross this info about not taking arnica while pregnant or if you are trying to get pregnant... might want to do some further research before you start taking it... unless you already have.

I am having carpal tunnel surgery on thursday and was advised to take arnica by a friend who only uses homeopathy to treat herself and her kids, but i'm glad i read this first. My husband and I are trying to get pregnant too. :flowers: Good luck. (ps I currently take 50 mg of zoloft for my anxiety/depression and i did take 100 mg during my first pregnancy... he's 4 now and smart as a whip, turned out great!).



25-11-08, 18:50
Hi I Am A Sport Massage Therapist And I Use Gallons Of Arnica Gel, It Is Great For Bruising And For Tired Aching Muscles. I Should Be In Every Sports Persons Kit!!!

Tracey Smith