View Full Version : Abdominal Pain, please give some advice :-(

11-11-08, 11:31

I've been getting a sharp pain on the right hand side of my abdomen below my rib cage for a few days now, seems to come and go through the day... also is worse when I am sitting. I'm going out of my mind with worry, feel really fluey as well, really really achey and tired and have lost all appitite. I know it can't be appendicitius as I had it last year... I am despertately trying not to google, and was wondering if anyone has any helpful advice. Oh and I'm petrified of doctors lol

thanks a lot,

Aileen xx

11-11-08, 12:02
Hi.. I get that pain in my abdomen when l'm ovulating it can be really sore some sometimes especially when you're sitting or lying down. Is it the middle of the month for you? Also if you're slightly constipated can cause pain as well. It's always best to check with your GP when you're unsure. Even if you don't like going, peace of mind is always a better solution.

11-11-08, 12:06
Hi Aileen
We all get pain in our tummies from time to time. I expect the other symptoms are coming along cos you're getting anxious (I always loose my appitite when I'm frightened).
Please try not to worry and I'm sure it will go away.

Take care x

11-11-08, 15:07
I've had that before, like a little above my belly button, right side sharp pain...it could be gas, disgestive movements, constipation, something muscular. The rest of your symptoms are anxiety.

11-11-08, 16:07
I also am getting a real ache at the top of my left leg, is this the pelvis as now I am worrying, seems to be at the joint and was wondering what this was connected to???

11-11-08, 16:10
Totally agree with other posters here - most probably something small and the rest of your symptoms sound like anxiety.

Top of your left leg - are you tensing - this could cause this?

11-11-08, 17:24
Hi I am sorry to hear you are suffering so much. I have IBS so I know what it feels like. It sounds to me like its maybe gas or period pain. Or it could maybe be IBS. I know you are scared of docs but could you maybe get someone to take you & you could get checked out. That way if it is IBS then you can get some meds. Or have you maybe tried changing your diet? it could be something your eating. But my advice would be go to the docs. PM me if you wish to talk about any questions you might have about IBS. xxx

12-11-08, 00:22
I have the same from time to time, most recently a week or so ago but mine was higher up (more under the lower ribs) - and ultrasound was all clear, but i still worry. My advice would also be to see the GP to put your mind at rest. I hope you feel better soon.