View Full Version : New Here

11-11-08, 13:26
Hi there.

I thought I'd take the plunge and join on this the day of my 36th Birthday.

Been reading this site on and off for years and it has been a great help.

My doc first told me about anxiety attacks back in 2003 and gave me some beta blockers, I read the label and discussed it with him and never took them (I have an morbid fear of taking things that affect my heart).

I then found out from my mum that both her and my younger sister have suffered from panic/anxiety attacks for years (my mum ended up in hospital in the early 80s as they thought she was having a heart attack).

I then went through a spell where I seemed to be on top of it all but now they are back again but this time the symptoms seem worse and now include tingling in one side of my face and tingling in my shoulder and damned light headedness (and this is the worst symptom and its constant). I also get what I can only describe as a gulping sensation. I have a doctors appointment next Tuesday (I booked it over a month ago but I want to see one specific doctor) as once again I am terrified it is something to do with my heart (see above) and this in turn makes me feel worse. Mind over matter I guess.

There must have been a trigger but I am not sure what it is, I have been comfortable in my job for 18 months, having a beautiful wife (we've been married two years but together for nine), a beautiful five year old daughter who is my world and a lovely new house. My personal life could not be better.

I just don't get these attacks? I have gone back to the stage where I hate being in crowded areas and it makes me very anxious.

I hope to get some hints and tips from this site and contribute as much as I can, I cannot believe there are so many people who share the same or similar experiences.

Thanks for reading...:)

11-11-08, 14:05
Welcome to you and a Happy Birthday. This is a great site with some terrific people who will help you get through whatever ails you. Take care and will look for your future posts.:welcome:

11-11-08, 14:09

Welcome to the site, glad you decided to join us. I am sure you will get some good advice and support on here.

Take care


11-11-08, 15:00
Happy Birthday!

11-11-08, 15:43
Happy Birthday...it's interesting, I don't believe that anxiety in itself is hereditary, however, there may be a common trigger that affects Members of the same Family.
The feelings you describe are akin to Agoraphobia..but as merely a 'lay priest'..don't take my word for it. I can't say for sure, but I'm certain your heart is fine...and anyway, a check up would confirm or deny that. Are there other specific situations that bring on attacks ? It's hard to give rounded opinion on the barest of details, and in any case, that's not my purpose...but I am interested. I hope you had a good day...and cuddle that little girl lots...you don't want her to worry...

12-11-08, 11:35
Happy Birthday...it's interesting, I don't believe that anxiety in itself is hereditary, however, there may be a common trigger that affects Members of the same Family.
The feelings you describe are akin to Agoraphobia..but as merely a 'lay priest'..don't take my word for it. I can't say for sure, but I'm certain your heart is fine...and anyway, a check up would confirm or deny that. Are there other specific situations that bring on attacks ? It's hard to give rounded opinion on the barest of details, and in any case, that's not my purpose...but I am interested. I hope you had a good day...and cuddle that little girl lots...you don't want her to worry...

Its mainly in crowds and it goes after a while (or a couple of beers), I went to see the mighty boosh on Monday night and felt quite anxious at first but I soon relaxed and hadn't had any drinks (probably due to me enjoying the show and not thinking about it), but again this happened a few years back and dissappeared and now its back again.

I am fine at work but there are only three of us in the office, work is quite stressful but not no more than any other job.

I sometimes get them when driving down the motorway but fine on any other road so I tend to avoid the motorways where possible.

I am going to try stopping drink tea, as they drink it by the bucket at work, I have about 4 or 5 cups a day at work but don't drink it at home. I gave up smoking five years ago.

Drinking could be a trigger, such is my social calender I can go months without going out then we have a month where there are a lot of birthdays and we seem to be out every weekend. I must admit I used to drink a lot during my time at college and up to about 2002. When I say a lot I mean going out each weekend not alcholic but probably worse in binge drinking.
Now I only drink when we go out.

Another thing I find is as soon as the central heating goes on I feel bad, in the summer I am fine, I come home from work, take the dog for a long walk, go places in the evenings, come the winter we can't do this I think its a case of S.A.D.

Wow...you start typing on here and it all comes out!! Phew!

My biggest concern at the moment is that I feel light headed all the time and I the right side of my face feels swollen, not numb, swollen and i can feel a twitch when I talk sometimes...I have looked this up and its pretty consitent with stress/anxiety.

My chest/heart feel fine and I felt fine when I woke up this morning (then again its a nice day here).

Certainly helps talking about it and this is basically what I will be telling the doc on Tuesday.

Last point...are Kalms any good? I used rescue remedy for a while and it helped a little or was that just a placebo?

Thanks for reading/listening

12-11-08, 11:54
:yahoo: Hi i am kaynbrian...I am new here. I have had panic disorder since i was 10.over 20 years now. Now i have heart trouble with it but i am finally working and i ahave got a good grip on my panic disorder and i hope to share it with you all maybe it will help some of you...

13-11-08, 00:16
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

13-11-08, 09:36
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

milly jones
18-11-08, 17:47
a warm welcome to no more panic

milly xx

14-01-09, 11:40
Just an update...

I am quite concerned as I feel fine in myself but the problem with my ear still hasn't gone and now my right side of my face feels numb/swollen and my neck hurts on one side (I have had neck problems for years).

I have been to the doctors four times and they give me pills or medicine to clear my sinus but it doesn't work..

What do I do..do I go back to the doctor and ask for different treatment, they have taken blood pressure, heart tests etc etc and all is fine there.

I don't take any medication only vitamin tablets. could it be as simple as a trapped nerve or something worse...I don't want to think about words such as tumour!! (to this end google has become my worst enemy as I think I have anything listed there!!)

It could be a a psychological symptom? Found out last week that one of the guys in the office has around six months left to live (Cancer), he is only 51 so of course that has got me thinking.

Appreciate the chance to get it off my chest...I can deal with most forms of stress/anxiety as I know it will pass but since my daughter was born I have become paranoid about my own mortality (she is six now) and also as my wife and I are trying for another baby..



14-01-09, 16:35
:welcome: To NMP.

14-01-09, 21:38
Hi, happy belated birthday and:welcome: to NMP, pleased you found us. I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice, information and support.

chat is fun too and a great place to make new friends:biggrin:

18-01-09, 21:48
I went to Docs on Thursday and they were at a loss as to what it was...so they sent me straight up the hospital..this scared the life out of me but I went to the maxofacial unit and the gave me a xray and said I had a decaying tooth and to book an emergency dentist appointment..

Went to the dentist Friday and she said my teeth are fine but I do have wisdom teeth coming through and that is what is causing the numb feeling.

Problem solved...as soon as they told me I felt a wave of relief and now feel much much better..Powerful tool the mind..

My neck is completely separate and comes from sitting to long and in the wrong position at my work computer!!

Boy is my face red :blush:

19-01-09, 10:05
Hi and welcome to NMP. So glad to hear your pain has now been explained and your mind put at rest. Happy belated birthday too - another 36 year old - just like me!!

I suffer with anxiety/depression which causes me major headaches. After an examination with my doctor a few weeks ago I was also sent straight to hospital. Apparently my doc thought I had a swelling behind my eyes, which could have been a link to a brain tumour. All the panic that ensued made my head worse, but luckily after a brain scan and various other tests I was told my headaches were major stress headaches which explained why no medication helped ease the pain. The relief was immense.

Looking forward to speaking to you in chat.

30-01-09, 11:31
Got to have my wisdom teeth out next Friday (6th Feb) Ouch.

But I have a new sympton, A tingle in my mid back area, doesn't hurt, just tingles, not numb just tingles.

I feel ok in myself apart from being a bit light headed today. I wonder if it is my posture at work sat at the computer as it feels OK when I lay down.

Getting fed up with these constant symptoms now. I am just hoping a lot will stop when my wisdom teeth go. :(