View Full Version : Ectopic beat & a deep breath ???

11-11-08, 13:33
I get Ectopic beats from time to time which of course don't help with my health anxiety,

Im sat at my desk at work and have just had another Ectopic beat, this time instead of the normal THUD that I get it was like a small sharp electric shock that made me have to take a deep breath,

When I get an ectopic beat it normally takes my breath away and makes me draw a deep breath,

But im now sat worrying about this different type of ectopic beat i've just had, does anyone else feel like its and electric shock/sharp pain and do you have to take a deep breath?

11-11-08, 15:33
Please reply someone ???

11-11-08, 15:38
I've definately had that feeling, lots and lots of times, on and off for 30 years and I'm still alive and kicking and NEVER had a problem with my heart.

Please don't worry, our hearts are very strong organs and can deal with ectopic beats.

Hope this helps x

11-11-08, 16:02
Don't even spend a second worrying about this. :) I get this too sometimes.
I think what you felt is simply due to conditioning. Initially, when I started having ectopics I was terrified every time I had one. My body immediately tensed and I had panic attacks. I also used to take a deep breath or two after an ecotpic, as if to check if eveything was still OK, it's kind of like an "OMG" recation I guess.
The ecotpics have laregly gone now but evey once in a while, when I think that I've felt one or feel like one is going to happen, I get this jolt through my body, as if to prepare for it. It's all just conditioning, nothing more. More often than not, if I get an ectopic now-a-days, I just ignore it.