View Full Version : its back?? - just want some reassurance

thoughts and actions
11-11-08, 14:27
hi guys

I havent posted on here for ages (about 2 weeks) have been doing really well, full shifts in work full time- enjoying things again

Today however i feel funny again- this morning driving to work i suddenly felt anx in the car - not sure why- i managed to control it but after wave after wave of anxiety had a panic attack in work- ive had another since but not as bad.

Ive been doing my breathing- trying to keep my mind of it - its not as bad as before and im still here lol (could have ran out) but i just cant stop thinking taht thats the panic etc starting to come back -

Does this ever go away????

11-11-08, 16:03
I had a relapse - BUT knowing what it is does not lessen the symptoms but does make them pass quicker.

Half the battle I think is learning not to fear the fear.

The mind is a funny thing. It remembers small triggers which can in turn trigger the symptoms. All you can really do is just keep doing things and hopefully after a while your mind will re-learn.

Take care

thoughts and actions
11-11-08, 16:15

your totally right- i know exactly now why it happened today and it didnt help that i was doing stuff at work that the last time i was doing was when i completely broke down.

I have to look at the fact ive done about 20 full shifts and had 1 off day- i have to learn to not be scared of the fear- the moment i took an attack i thought i was going be sick/pass out- n i know after doing my cbt i shouldnt have thought these btu it just took over- think it scared me aswell- forgot how bad it could be :(

ive done a worksheet and breathing and feeling bit better- just cant wait to go home now lol- few mobtnsh ago id of left as soon as it happened so at least i can give myself a pat on the back for staying

thanks for replyin though- its great on here- peopkle totally understand u


11-11-08, 17:35
I had a relapse this year after not having them for almost a yr. Fortunatly though it didn't last at this long this time which is a good thing. I am sorry to hear you are not too good at min. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

12-11-08, 15:02
First of all congratulations on the past 2 weeks...doing so well and managing to feel normal again.

Secondly,the fact that you managed to stay and not run shows that you are working towards getting better,thats ace cos it takes alot not to run out!

Don't beat yourself up about this because we all have off days, the fact that your food days are outweighing your bad days is very positive. Keep yourself occupied!

Cassi xxx

12-11-08, 15:05
First of all congratulations on the past 2 weeks...doing so well and managing to feel normal again.

Secondly,the fact that you managed to stay and not run shows that you are working towards getting better,thats ace cos it takes alot not to run out!

Don't beat yourself up about this because we all have off days, the fact that your food days are outweighing your bad days is very positive. Keep yourself occupied!

Cassi xxx

oops i meant to put 'good days' not food days hahaha

12-11-08, 15:22
Sorry to hear about your current set-back, and yes I think you will find that a greater majority experiences set-backs from time-to-time, than those who do not.

However, the only way to prepare yourself for future set-backs, is to go through them each time now.

Then, one day, you will find that anxiety and panic can come over you (just like it has now), and you will be able to let it run its course in the background . . . without further panic from yourself, or without thinking much about it at all, really.

Will it be comfortable? No.

Will it be welcome? No.

But you'll recoginize what it is, and just get on with things. The same as if you hada twisted ankle, or a pulled muscle, etc: an annoyance.

Keep practicing what you have learned, and set-backs are the ONLY, O-N-L-Y way to do that, to grow, and to truly move forward with "management".

12-11-08, 17:55
wow-what a coincidence! I haven't been on here for ages as been doing so much better but after a bad few days I came on & this is the first post I read!

First of all just wanted to say how well you've done by sticking it out & not running home. It is frustrating & scary to have relapses but they are all part of recovery. I can't tell you if it will ever go away as that is mostly down to how you react & cope with the symptoms & life but I know it is possible.

Don't want to take over your post but just wanted to share with you what I've been through the past few days so that you know you're not alone. I thought I had pretty much conquered my anxiety but it still has the potential to reappear given the right conditions & thinking patterns.

I, too, have just got back in to my job after a 7 month phased return & as things have increased at work so has my anxiety about coping etc.
I was doing really well & last week did 3 consecutive days & felt fine. So I was feeling really good about myself when my hormone-related palpitations started up again. They eased as my period started (sorry guys) but had raised my anxiety abit. At work yesterday I started to feel a little overwhelmed & then had a nightmare journey home which took 1 & a half hours. The traffic was awful in the city centre & it was dark & every road was crammed with cars. I started to feel panicky & then my breathing was too shallow which made my chest feel tight & then I kept worrying that all this fear & anxiety would make me ill which made me panic more.

Then today I was off work but every time I thought about travelling to work I started to feel panicky again. I'm not frightened of work or traffic jams just the physical symptoms I get. I fully understand that fearing them is what brings them on, crazy isn't it?!

I am seeing a great therapist who has really made a big difference but ultimately I know that only I can fix this. I know that relapse is always a possibility but I think it's how you cope with it that matters & we have both overcome it in the past so we can again. You really do just have to pick yourself up again & keep moving forward &, in the words of Claire Weekes - 'let more time pass!'
Take care!
Seffie x

thoughts and actions
13-11-08, 19:47
hi guys

just wanted to say thanks for all the kind words and messages.

i did tried to reply last night 4 times in work lol but was to busy

yesterday in work was better than tuesday- but still took a p.a. (coz some1 phoned in sick with the runs n my emetaphobia went through the roof lol) but i managed, i coped and i stayed.

Today i managed to go round tesco- asda and marks all without panic (although when i get my bank statement it might start lol)

thanks again guys- you help so much

i hadnt had a panci attack in just under a week so to be hgonest i wouldnt call it a relapse coz i dont think am over my anx/panic yet i am however learning to manage anad cope with it- your right with regards to claire weekes- i think every1 has there good and bad days its just with anxiety it makes it worse.

But am not dwelling cant change yesterday just gotta look forward now- until i need to post again lol


19-11-08, 05:43
I can understand your situation.

Have you been looking for anxiety attack treatment that doesn't involve taking prescription drugs?

Panic Away is a powerful system that can cure panic attacks and general anxiety fast.You’ll

learn the exact technique that can give you immediate anxiety relief without using any medication. It’s a simple method that you can follow step by step to see results fast.

You can check the details here - anxietyattackstreatment & panicaway.

Here are the benefits you receive by using the Panic Away- Never fearing to leave your home or to be alone, Making appointments or socializing with people and never dreading you might have to leave unexpectedly half way through, Planning holidays or travel without fear of anxiety, Going about your business daily without any lingering anxiety or anxious thoughts in your mind, Having the belief to trust your body is not in any danger whatsoever.
