View Full Version : I have aches and am constently tired

11-11-08, 14:38
I could dp with some advise i have aches in my body and I am always tired it is now efecting my work life causing me to take time off i was told i had a cyst in my thyroid gland a few months ago at the hospital and had half drained and it went for testing my doctor has never came back with any results so i assumed every thing was ok but with me having symptoms of constent tiredness and aching im wondering if this is all related should i see my doctor?

11-11-08, 15:26
You should see your doctor for reassurance. You might also be stressed. I don't know if achiness is thyroid related, but tiredness I know it. Are you anxious right now> Stressed? Overworked and not getting enough sleep or eating enough?

11-11-08, 16:30
Hiya lea
Yes hun i would go back and see your doc about this and explain how you are feeling
But yet again the weather chance seems to be effecting lots of ppl this way
These damp dark days and darker nights seem to drain energy.

11-11-08, 17:31
yes I would go back just for a check up. If nothing else just to reassure you. Let us know how you get on. xxxx