View Full Version : colds & flu

11-11-08, 14:57
I seriously hate getting sick. like colds and flu sick, it always kicks my anx up because my head ends up being so fuzzy.

ARGH I can't even see straight it is so annoying, just hoping it will pass soon.


11-11-08, 15:01
Yeah they suck don't they, Mrs anxiety likes to play with our mind when we are feeling groggy, which never helps the situation!

Just get some rest and drink lots of fluids to try and beat the virus. I hope it passes soon!

Take care!.
Cat xx

11-11-08, 17:08
get the flu jab to prevent feeling worse later on in winter. I have just had mine today. Hope you feel better soon. x

11-11-08, 20:20

Nearly everyone i have spoke to today as got cold, runny nose or some kind of virus. Its that time of year again. Roll on Spring:yesyes: .


11-11-08, 20:59
yep the cold has got me to!! i am freaking!! why cant i be normal?

11-11-08, 22:26
mee too!!! and cos my head is funny im worried as it feels fuzzy but at least we all feel like this together x

12-11-08, 08:06
lol true, at least we are all suffering together, it is so much better being able to share your concerns with people who actually understand.

I have actually started taking an immune support suppliment called Glucasan + recommended by my acupuncturist and I have not been getting as sick as I normally do. Maybe it is more mind over matter stuff but I don't feel half as bad as I did yesturday..I seem to be able to get over an illness a lot quicker than usual, however I would love a couple of days off work LOL :P

Take care everybody!