View Full Version : i PLEASE HELP!!!feel stupid! cant be my multivitamins can it?

11-11-08, 16:46
hey people! I feel such a fool, on sunday I woke up with a muddled mind and have found it difficult to think or concentrate. My rational mind says its just anxiety that has caused an overload, hence these symptoms of very blurry head and tension...even simple things have been confusing.

my irrational mind is saying....'oh no...you have had a stroke or oh dear it must be a reaction to those multivitamins you have been taking for a few days, further made worse by googling vitamins and symptoms of vit poisoning or may they interact with my sertraline. My doc says multivits are safe to take...just well you know when somethin 'odd' happens you say to yourself 'oh no...what now'!

please help with yer suggestions and experiences...id be much obliged

Steve :)

11-11-08, 20:10
its definatly anxiety hunni...your mind is just playin tricks on yu and anxiety is trying to take over...xx

11-11-08, 20:17
Hi Steve

It does sound like anxiety hun, i have had the very same symptoms myself without taking the multi vitamins. I actually have just started taking multi vitamins with iron and had no side effects what so ever.

Hope things improve for you soon


eternally optimistic
11-11-08, 20:19
Hi Steve

I can relate to the lack of concentration thing.

I went on medication, citalopram, when anxiety got the better of me.

It wasnt until I had been on these for a month or so that I realised about the concentration thing. I used to love to read, hadnt read a book in 10 years because of it. Know it sounds weird, but my mind just couldnt focus.

Having been the tabs, I am now much more relaxed and focused and have tonnes of books.

Am totally sure reading books is not your issue, LOL, but it is the sort of thing that anxiety can affect.

Hope you find something helps you relax, if thats what you need.

11-11-08, 20:21
thanks! bloody anxiety eh!!!! well have to see the funny side or really go mad! lol

you could say 'my' anxiety is free floating like a 'butterfly'....but a butterfly is a thing of beauty......so lets refer to it as freefloating as a moth...cos they are horrible and ye can see eyes on them! lol

thanks folks...what ye cant get from doctors cos they dont have the time helps...esp when others know self help forums are a great thing for us all


11-11-08, 20:23
Hi Steve

Tut tut No googling Lol.

There is no rhyme or reason for alot of anxiety sufferers, it's just there! I find myself waking up the exact same way some mornings whilst others, i feel fine.

Try your best not to dwell on it because this will only increase your anxiety. Maybe try reading a good book or listening to a relaxation cd before bed may help.

Hope you feel better soon
Love Lisa

11-11-08, 20:29
Hi Steve

I have to say I agree your symptoms do seem to be the same as some of the anxiety symptoms I have had and I have been through many.

I take vitamins and I have never had a reaction to them. Steve try not to google it really wont help with the anxiety, there was a time I used to google every symptom that I had and believe me I made myself sick with worry. Now when I have a strange symptom I just put it down to the old anxiety and I feel alot better by doing that.

Take care Steve


11-11-08, 20:38
aye! naughty boy alright!

i know i shouldnt do it, but there are time when ye get an unusual symptom....ye go thru the motion of knowing ye shouldnt google, but ye crack and take a peek....suddenly its like aaaggh! what have i done and then ye look at things like vitamin poisoning, strokes, dementia, this, that, etc etc ...pro some of the things i do like eat not so healthy food (e.g ready made sandwiches, crisps, ready meals, subway, chocolates, coca cola and tea)

just on sunday i woke up feeling a bit muddled and spacey and immediately cos i couldnt think cos i had a tight band around my head with a very foggy mind that didnt want to comply i firstly thought 'stroke'...then i thought no its the vitamins! then i googled and next thing viatmins poisoning, and all the symptoms......why cant i sue this negative 'energy' for positve things eh! aaaaagh! lol

ach well...the life of a neurotic...but at the age of 34 nearly its not as bad and will ease as i get older!


all i wanna be is calm and mellow