View Full Version : Kidney Infection

11-11-08, 19:21
I was just wondering if anyone could please tell me...

Why do you get Kidney Infections???

I did the dreaded 'googling' a few weeks ago and it came up with horrendous things.

I had a kidney infection earlier this year and am pretty sure I have another one... is this normal??? I feel like I'm the only one who ever gets things like this!!!

Any advice would be greatly appreciated; Thank you all very much,


11-11-08, 20:01
I got a urinary tract infection last week and also had pain in my kidneys too my doc said it could be because the bacetria frm the infection was creeping upto my kidneys so they gave me anti biotics but it does seem that iam getting this problem again after finishing my anti biotic on friday so it jus could mean that it probelry wasnt shifted out of ur system like mine so id suggest going to see ur doctor again.these things are realy weird im the same i get one thing after another i think wiv anxiety it makes our immune systems low.im affraid i dont no alot about kidney infections but i do knw that urinary tract infections can easy turn into kidney infections, so go and see ur gp and get a urine test with the right course of anti biotics it shud get shifted but these things do take time as i know.take care .love C.xxxx

12-11-08, 00:17
I had a kidney infection with a urinary tract infection (UTI) my back ached and it burned when I peed! I heard you can have a UTI without the burning feeling when you pee - so it may be thats what you have? its easily treated so might be worht going to your GP with a urine sample for testing.