View Full Version : very bad day

13-06-05, 15:36
woke up this morning feeling great! my to do list: go down town and get my son a outfit, take son to nursery and sit through a meeting with the teacher, then go to baby clinic and pick up baby milk. before my mum came to walk me around, i ended up having a row with my partner and that totally brought on a major panic attack! i manages to go down town by forcing myself, never got to the nursery which i feel realy guilty about as my son missed his induction day, and just made it to the clinic, you know what the realy wierd thing is? i feel like my partner is making me ill. when we werent together my life was great and i rarley had a panic attack, now he is back i have them everyday. and mostly if he picks an argument with me. i just dont know what to do...........:(


13-06-05, 22:16
Sorry you had a bad day..

Well done for doing some of your list.. Guess you've got some thinking to do.

13-06-05, 22:47
Denise - well done on completing two thirds of your planned day! Especially after a row with your partner.

Shame your son missed his induction, don't feel guilty (this time) just make sure next time that you use your energy for you and your son, don't use it arguing with your partner.

Focus on happiness - what it is that you want.

Take care.


14-06-05, 00:10
Sorry you had a bad day Denise. Despite this you managed to do some of the things on your list - well done.

Hope tomorrow it better for you.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

14-06-05, 00:19
Hi Denise

If you have been used to getting on with things and your partner has re-appeared in your life it could well be that you are suffering from a lack of personal space. Especially if you feel he is picking arguements with you.

Try standing at the door for a few minutes every so often - it can really help to grab a few minutes of fresh air on your own.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

14-06-05, 08:55
If I have a row with someone before I have to go out I end up having a panic attack and then dont bother going out at all so you are doing really well not to let him stop you going out at all. WELL DONE WITH THE THINGS YOU DID DO.:D


14-06-05, 15:25
I understand this perfectly - rowing always takes it out of me too and leaves me feel panicky at worst and wrung out at best.

Don't punish yourself - one day at a time, you did well to do anything on your list.

Love Piglet

14-06-05, 17:55
I agree with Piglet... One day at a time!!


I wish that i can take my own advice sometimes..

14-06-05, 18:00
well thanx for all the advice and great words of wisdom, it al realy helps.x. i took stimpys advice and stood at the back door for a few minutes, and i came back in feeling quite good. thank you. xxx
