View Full Version : may seem weird but feels like something dripping on my knee thwn furter down leg

11-11-08, 20:58
im so sorry to write this but its freeking me out i keep getting this feeling that my right knee is like wet and then i feel something dripping down my leg from the knee..but theres nothing there....is this anxiety??? xx

11-11-08, 21:06
i get this its usually on my back! not sure what it is i think its all in my mind!sorry if this is no help i have just put it down to anxiety

11-11-08, 21:07
yes of course its a help..its really strange ay?? thanks huni..xx

11-11-08, 21:18
hey there! please try to remember that your nervous system is capable of causing any feeling possible....i used to have trickling sensation up and down my chest that drove me nuts for a while...when i told myself it was just anxiety it eventually went away


Captain America
11-11-08, 23:19
i used to feel it on my right leg down to my foot. i told the doctor it felt like i was being peed on. (fortunately he didn't ask my what my reference was...)

11-11-08, 23:29
Hiya hunspoke 2 u earlia but just wanted 2 give u a hug :hugs:
Like i said our body is capable of so many strange and weird feelings and thoughts and the more u think about it the more u wil notice it ..so hard as it is try not 2 think about it so deeply and if its still bothering u in a few days go 2 GP xxxxxxxxxxxx
hugs hun x:hugs:

12-11-08, 10:31
Although it does indeed sound strange I too have felt this funny phenomenen. I feel like a drop of water landed on me and when I look there is nothing there.

There is nowt so queer as folk :D .

Don't worry about it hun it's obviously another funny litte quirk us humans have.

Love Piglet :flowers:

12-11-08, 13:20