View Full Version : Sharp pains in neck glands!! please Help!!

11-11-08, 21:29
I'm always quick to reassure someone when they worry about gland pains so i guess i must be a hypocrite to right this.
I had glandular fever some centuries ago now but still get repurcussions from this. ie. tiredness, gland pains, lethargy etc..
The thing is that i'v been having this neck pain now for several days and it's constantly there, like a sharp stabbing pain in the glands under my ears/at the top of my jaw. Even the heated wheat bag isnt easing it much, although a hot bath does. I also feel run down and everyone at work keeps commenting on how tired i look. I hate it when people say i don't look well cos it makes me worry more thinking that i am showing physical signs of illness. My mouth is also very dry and i am sorry to say (dare i!) I GOOGLED!
I am now worrying that i have a salivary gland infection or even cancer. I am sooo worried and i darent even talk to my OH about it as he is off work with a really bad back and he is having loads of physio.
I did read that with cancer there is no gland pain but maybe i got this wrong or mis read it. Please can someone tell me if they get these pains. I also have under active thyroid so am thinking that it could be thyroid or larynx cancer. my voice is also changing and sounds weak as if it is going to go at any minute. I am rambling now, so i will stop here. Please help!

11-11-08, 22:00
Hiya love

i had this & then mumps developed...could be just anxiety tho xxx

12-11-08, 11:37
I had this when I was obsessed with salivary gland cancer or similar. I kept thinking about it and touching my neck/under my jaw and probably this was what caused the pain (either that I wouldn't leave it alone or that I was concentrationg on it). I used the same thing to calm down as you do: with cancer there is usually no pain. Unfortunately I didn't get better until I went to see my GP, who said everything was normal, at which point I felt stupid. As it usually happens :doh:

12-11-08, 23:30
Thanks you two! I dont think i will have mumps as i had them as a kid (don't think you can get them twice). The pains are still there, mainly just on my left side and also a bit under my armpit now. trying not to touch and mess but dizziness is kicking in now and it's making me worry more.

13-11-08, 00:11
Hi Pink - soreness in your glands is usually a sign that you're fighting an infection of some kind. This can happen without you having any other symptoms at all. It's a good sign, really - it shows your immune system is working - rolling it's sleeves up and kicking some invading virus/bacteria/parasite in the teeth. With winter coming on over there, there will be heaps of viruses around.

Your other symptoms - dry mouth, dizziness - might well be caused by anxiety. Or they might be another sign that you've got a wee infection (that's a small infection, not infection of wee :)). This is so familiar to me. I had a virus earlier this year, the first symptoms of which were swollen, sore glands. Mine were really, really sore and hugely swollen from the off. But I didn't really have any other symptoms at first. It was weird. Turned out to be a viral infection. I'm absolutely fine now and glands have gone back to normal. My doctor reassured me that sore swollen glands are usually a good sign (or as good as infection can be!) - they mean that your immune system is doing its job and is protecting you.