View Full Version : polycistic ovary syndrome

11-11-08, 21:30
does any of the ladies out there suffer from this? If so is it possible that anxiety is related to this?

11-11-08, 21:44
I was told I had polycystic ovary syndrome even though they found no cyst's.Totally confused me.But I have the symptoms of facial hair,gaining wieght,hormonal problems ect.
I would say it makes me very anxious cos I hate all the symptoms.:weep:

11-11-08, 22:21
PCOS can definitely affect your moods. As your hormones are out of kilter you may be experiencing pre menstrual syndrone for much longer. When a period used to come it was always ten times worse and much heavier painful.This would affect my moods considerably. I would definitely be more anxious before a period and the uncertainty of whether it would come or not. I am past periods now as I had a hysterectomy in 2007. If you pm me I will be happy to share experiences of pcos with you George08

11-11-08, 22:24
yorky i am same as you - diagnosed at 16 (31 now) with all apart from cysts - horrid!!

12-11-08, 07:54
I often wonder if it is linked, however I have been an anxious person from the word go when I think back to things.

I certainly don't think it helps because as mentioned above it is all to do with your hormones. Personally for me I have problems with my insulen levels and I believe that the PCOS causes this, I can get serious sugar lows and it's horrable. So I have to watch my High GI foods and generally eat more unrefined carbs...crap like that. Since I have changed my diet and have had a course of acupuncture...things have improved :D

Take care,

12-11-08, 13:20
I also had blood tests done and had elevated testosterone:ohmy:

Miss Alissa
12-11-08, 16:41

I think there is probably a pretty strong link – PCOS completely plays with your hormones and your moods, it interferes with your insulin levels, giving you physical highs and lows which create even more stress for your mind and your body, and it can give you physical symptoms which negatively affect your self esteem. My sister has PCOS – when she was at her worst her depression and anxiety sky-rocketed – like a few people have mentioned here, she changed her diet pretty considerably and the improvement in both her mental and physical health has been amazing. She’d be the first to tell you how vital maintaining her blood sugars is to her staying happy and health. Funny old things these hormones, they have a lot to answer for!

Take care