View Full Version : Managers! Arrghh!

11-11-08, 23:40
Today I went to a training course. I got there only to discover I had already done it five months ago and yet my manager had put me forward for it. I came back and the respons I got was unvbelievable. Why didn't I know I hadn't taken it before. I should have known. She had no record of having sent me in the past. It was really concerning that I couldn't even remember having been blah blah blah...to all of which I replied with the following....How am I supposed to known the ins and outs of all company training how would I know that. There could be multiple different courses under the same heading. Should I keep notes? In other words I should know her job to know if shes doing it properly to challenge her if she doesnt. Sweary words moron comes to mind.
What is it with managers that dont know their jobs and have no people skills?
I am hacked off to the back teeth of it...it's every where you bloomin go....aaarrgghhhh

rant over

Pooh x

Cathy V
11-11-08, 23:42
Yes Pooh, i reckon we should ban all jobsworth managers and administrators :D xxx

11-11-08, 23:48
:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: Pooh

I work for a bunch of idiots an all:mad:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

12-11-08, 03:33
tell the mug manager when your on the same wage has him or her you know everything
till them tell then you bow to there wisdom

13-11-08, 00:49
i reckon we should ban all jobsworth managers and administrators

Except us of course.:shades:

13-11-08, 02:10
LOL Alexis ;)