View Full Version : A brief unexplained fever triggers new worry of serious illness

11-11-08, 23:52
After a week of reflux and discomfort under the ribs I got a short fever two weeks ago which lasted 6 hours a couple of days later there was one episode of very pale poo (sorry!). I was convinced it was something serious with the liver or pancreas and cried in the GPs office. He said stones were at the "top of his list" and sent me for an ultrasound of the abdomen and I had a liver/kidney function and heamoglobin test which came back normal and there were no stones. That should have eased my mind but it hasnt because it has left symptoms unexplained and I may book see the doctor again.

This week I have had a couple of episodes of my face feeling hot, but my body feeling a bit cold. I read on the net that cancer can cause unexplained fevers, and hot flushes... so you guessed it, I am back to square one again with extreme worry and would be terrified if these syptoms carry on popping up.

I have had some anxiety lately but not too bad that I cant get on and have really nice days sometimes, but I do have brief moments of feeling a bit depressed. The hot face feeling got me both times when I was feeling fine though - so I cant see anxiety caused it.

Any advice appreciated.

13-11-08, 01:08
I think it prob is anxiety as i too get this sometimes, admittedly not very often. It manifests in strange ways as we all know. I'd go back to your GP and talk it through, i'm sure an ultrsound would have picked up what was wrong so definately go back to your doctor. Take Care x x x