View Full Version : stupid chest again

12-11-08, 06:20
does anybody else have the pressure feeling on one side , the breathlessnesss, the feeling of an elephant sat on there chest day after day night after night , had another night with hardly any sleep because of this im exhausted , feeling very tearful again i dont think it will ever go how can it be anxiety when its there 24 hours a day


12-11-08, 08:14
Hiya hun ....
Sory I dont have that symptom hun ..but yes It can be anxiety ...like everything the more we think about it the more we notice it and constantly think about it x

Sorry cant help just wanted 2 give u some hugs m8y x:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

12-11-08, 08:25
hi amanda i too get all the chest problems the pressure ,tightness ,pain and everthing else that goes with it ive been told its all anxiety and panic i start cbt tomorrow hopefully it will start to make sense why this has troubled me for the last two years
all the best barry

12-11-08, 08:40
HI Amanda, anxiety can last all day, it does with me, and ofcourse the more we worry about things, the longer it keeps the anxiety going. I haven't found any easy answer to this but trying to forget about the symptoms eventually eases it, but when you are in discomfort its soooooo difficult to do. Have you been to the doctors lately to have your mind put at rest. Do hope it eases soon.:hugs:

12-11-08, 08:41
Hi Amanda,

I was going to post a thread identical to yours this morning hun tho I was going to say lorry instead of elephant lol. I've had this for the past week and it's freaking me out, my chest feels as if someone has parked a lorry there and walked off. I too have asked myself the question how can it be anxiety when its there 24/7. It has reasurred me this morning to realise I'm not the only one has this and I hope with my post it gives you a wee bit of reasurrance too hun :hugs: xxx

12-11-08, 08:48
Hi Hun, yes these are classic anxiety related symtoms I had the same when I was diagnosed. I had them all day & all night. The key is to accept is anxiety otherwise you wll drive yourself crazy. I am much better since accpeted its anxiety. Please feel free to pm me with anything if you need a chat. xxxxxxx

12-11-08, 10:04
titch thank you for the hugs def need them atm ty xx hope your ok now ,barry nice to know its not just me thank you for replying its just annoying its there all day everyday had gp suggested anything for you ?hi dd thank you for the reply it is so difficult to forget it , i been to drs last week and she listened to chest but im convinced they are missing something as its getting worse ,hi mandy sorry your going through same thing as me is yours mainly your heart side ? a lorry is a good explanation im glad im not alone definatlytly also feel like got a lump stuck in throat fed up of it now but you have given me some reassurance thank you can i aks what else your chest feels like sorry just get so scared ,thnk you janey i may well take you up on the offer of a chat
thanks again all


12-11-08, 11:08
Hi Amanda,

I get all of those symptons as well and it is driving me mad. It is nearly always on the left hand side of my chest and back and feels like i have something inside my chest! I find the breathing bit the worst and it feels like i am not going to breath properly, my chest feels tight and there seems like a constant pressure in my chest when i do take a deep breath!
I have had all of the heart and chest tests which always seem to come up ok but i just cannot belie ve that anxiety can make you feel so bad and last so long!!
Hope you start to fell better soon.:yesyes:

Twin Galaxies
12-11-08, 11:30
i get this feeling too and same as you its a constent but iv had all the tests they can do and the docter is sure its anx so if you already know you have anx then i think you know thats what it is, i know deep down we always think its not the anx "this time" but you just gotta keep telling yourself thats what is what meds are you on?

12-11-08, 11:40
hi chunky know the feeling of it drivng us mad does your ever go or there day and night?hope you feel better soon aswell

12-11-08, 11:41
hi twin im on trazadone and promazine, neither are doing much good just worn out now ,i try to tell myself its anxiety but when it wakes me up in night i get so scared and wonder how can anxiety wake me up with this problem hope the feeling go for you soon


12-11-08, 16:29
hi amanda i get pains in the middle of chest and to the left plus the frequent tightness ive had all the tests done all come back normal only last week had blood pressure and ecg done at doctors to reasure me been like this for nearly two years now its driving me nuts not on any meds for anxiety which i dont know if is a good or bad thing for the first year and half it seemed like the dr was just shrugging me off ive been waiting for cbt for a couple of months which i start tomorrow i was diagnosed last year with hypothroidism which i have to take levothroxine for every morning apart from that the doctor says im fine its just a case of believing
all the best barry

12-11-08, 18:25
Hi there,
Yes I have this very thing at the moment, had it all day. Ive been diagnosed with hyper ventilation in the past and this can cause the heavy, sore feeling
so I was told. I also get a sore feeling in between my shoulder blades, like a tightning feeling. I sit with a hot water bottle and just try to relax.


12-11-08, 19:57
thank you all for the replies it helps to know im not alone, but ive got it so bad again i know im in for a bad night

thank you again

12-11-08, 21:14

I too suffer from this quite alot despite being on loads of meds!!! Unfortunately I know its hard to believe but it will get better the less attention you pay to it.

Have you tried any relaxation CD's ? they can work wonders (only thing I find is that they tend to focus your attention on your breathing a little too much at first but once you get used to it you'll be fine)

Its easy to give advice but everyone is different and some people concentrate on their symptoms more than others - I'm the worst for that one :) I think the secret is to find something that you know works for you to distract yourself, anxiety is a bit of a self forfilling prophecy the more you think about it the more you invite it in.

Just remember your body is amazing machine and it will always be able to breath for itself (assuming that you are not physically unwell) even if you feel like you cant. Its just an illusion caused by the tightening of your chest muscles and diaphram.

The more you think about it the tighter they get.

Take Care X

13-11-08, 09:15
thank you i know your right about more we think of it ,but im not good at not thinking about it if that makes sense ,relaxation doesnt come easy to me ive tried it maybe i gave upto soon i dont know, thank you for the reply and sorry you get it aswell wouldnt wish it on anyone
take care

13-11-08, 20:44
im really bad tonight, gasping crying my eyes out how can this be anxiety please help someone i feel like im about to die

14-11-08, 16:34
just a quick update was gasping for air last night so hubs said thats it up the hospital for you , my worse fear is hospitals but i got there and had temperature done , oxygen levels,bp, and a ecg, the dr was lovely spent ages talking to me, as i was in tears he gave me valium to calm me down and ive been on planet zonk all day, anyway all was clear except the racing heart which he said is anxiety i got to start getting it in my head that it is that now i think ,thank you for all the replies