View Full Version : BABY 'P'

12-11-08, 10:58
(I am deaf and misheard the P for a B!)

Oh my goodness.

What the hell is happening to this country? WHERE is the help for these children that are being brutely abused? This child (and i am watching this morning) was checked every 3 - 4 days. The excuses of the injuries would make me think right away that something was up. At one point the 'mother' (and i use that term lightly) smeared chocolate on this baby's face to cover up marks made by the *******s who were hurting him.

As an agoraphobic mother i beat myself up constantly because of what i am doing to my son in terms of how i am damaging him, but then i hear stories like this, and i feel sick to my stomach. I don't even smack my child if he's naughty. I shout and i feel guilty for that. But flipping heck...

These people should EXPERIENCE everything they did to this child

Granny Primark
12-11-08, 11:25
I totally agree with you belle.
I cant read the stories in the paper about what they did to this harmless little boy without feeling physically sick.
Its totally sickening and bewildering what they did to him and why they did it.
What on earth were the social workers thinking or doing?
It just beggars belief that they could let all this go on in front of their very noses and not do anything about it.
Have they lost their jobs?
I dont know about losing their jobs I think theyve lost their damn minds.
They should be severely reprimanded.
Im wondering if this is playing on their consciences.
For once words fail me.

Cathy V
12-11-08, 11:40
I read it online this morning...how awful, bless his little heart. What made me angry is that one of the directors of the children's services said she wouldnt be holding any of her staff responsible, that this child was killed by members of its own family. I find those comments quite unbelievable. Then why do we have trained social workers for families like this one, if not to stop them harming or killing the children?

I agree that if a parent kills a child out of the blue with no warning then nobody could have stopped it, but they knew this mother and her boyfriend were bad news, and there was plenty of warnings surely about this situation. Aren't social workers trained to spot the warning signs? Because if they dont see whats under their noses, what they are trained to see, they might as well not bother.

The service needs investigation. Once again this could've been avoided. And i think for any social worker reading this thread and comments, i wouldnt bother trying to make excuses, there is no excuse.

Cathy xxx

12-11-08, 11:58
This poor child was seen over 50 times by Social Workers and other health professionals, I have read that the police were also involved.
He was seen by a doctor (a paediatrician no less) who failed to diagnose broken ribs and a fractured spine. What makes all this even worse is that it happened in the same borough as the Victoria Climbie case of a few years ago..I seem to remember that "lessons would be learned" from what happened then. Bulls**t. :mad: The same excuses are trotted out time after time and it still boils down to the fact that between them, numerous "professional" agencies let this child be beaten and abused for all of his short life.
I also hear a lot about Social Work being a hard job, true, but there are many other hard jobs that I can think of. If they can't handle the pressure and do the job that they are being paid to do, then get the hell out of it. Or maybe that salary is just too tempting..
Yet again, another child dies and they all pass the buck...I hope they can live with their consciences. I couldn't.

12-11-08, 11:58
once again a child is killed and social service have failed, i find it extremely upsetting readin storys like this and cannot understand such evil people that do this.

i always worry that im bringing mine up ok and feel guilty about things but reading that makes me realise how lucky mine r cos they are loved.

social services stuff up again, poor innocent children, babies and no one to help them, it make me really upset and very very angry.

i really dont understand why this baby was not checked properly and why people didnt notice the distressed look the baby must have had, if it was checked apparently so often, a mother can only cover up so much surely?

social service were a disgrace and i bet it wont b the last time either.

12-11-08, 12:54
I was a social worker and had to leave because of the stress and the inept social workers and a bad team leader. I worked with 16+ young people leaving care. They had issues with drugs, alcohol, mental health problems and were pretty messed up with living in care. I used to get too involved with these sad young people and used to take them home in my head. The team I worked with were very clicky and did not like my way of working with young people. There were very old hat and stuck in their ways.

I agree that these social workers let that little boy down big time. We are taught in our training how to notice child abuse and some heads should roll in their department. It incensed me that it was said that no social workers should be in trouble. For God's sake a little boy has died having living a horrendous life of being abuse. I cried when I saw this on the news.


12-11-08, 13:36
I am so very very angry about this subject that all i can say is what i wouldn't do to be able to get hold of all those involved social workers included and beat the living daylights out of them, then they'd know how that little boy felt.

What sort of a country is THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :lac:

12-11-08, 18:00
i cant understand why people like that have children if they know they are going to make bad parents then why bother . i could not believe what i heard on the news about that poor little boy the pain he must of felt before he died and that doctor to completley miss a broken spine is terrible where did she learn how to become a doctor ? i had social services threaten to take my children of me because of a bad relationship my children where loved and well cared for and never ever smacked not by me or my husband but why didnt they do more for this little boy . i think that all the doctors and the socail workers and the parents have that little boys blood on there hands

i also cant understand why the dad didnt step in and how bad he must feel at this time

12-11-08, 19:17
:weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep:

12-11-08, 19:18

The social services etc should be disgusted in them selves letting this happen to a poor defenceless toddler. It makes me so angry.

I have just been listening to the news too about the Shannon Mathews case. These kind of people need to be locked up and the key thrown away !


12-11-08, 19:22
Not one for public hysteria normally, but this has got my blood boiling too. How someone can do that to a child is incomprehensible.

Hanging would be too quick for them.

These disgusting people are in a very minute minority, thankfully.

At one time you needed a license for a dog, but anyone can have a child.

12-11-08, 19:36
Prison is way too easy. I wouldn't say hanging, but i do say they need to experience by people bigger and uglier than them, what they did to that child.

Good behaviour in prison and they live better than me. They have their hot meals, they have their music systems, colour TV's AND even play stations (if they are really good. They can learn new skills, work for money. They get to go to the gym, work out....association time in the evenings...ALL that for killing a toddler. Absolutely disgusting, they make my skin crawl.

(I have inside information about prisons...lol!!!!)

12-11-08, 19:41
Belle lass

I wouldn't worry, I am sure they will get what's coming to them.

12-11-08, 19:43
I just can't believe the amout of times this child was seen by social workers yet continued to live at home with his mother and her boyfriend. :lac: The decission for them to harm this child should have been taken out of their hands long before it got to this.

I used to work in our local social work department as a receptionist and have to say, it was the biggest eye opener of my life. The "Children and Families" department were one of the busiest departments in the whole place. Fortunately most of the social workers i worked with were amazing people. It's just a shame when the minority fail to do their job properly and a tragedy like this can happen.

God rest his wee soul

Granny Primark
12-11-08, 19:44
prison or are they cheap hotels?
I dont think its punishment.
I just wish that some day they would have consciences.
But im afraid to say that sadly they wont.

12-11-08, 20:03
:mad: he is in a miinority, but 30 odd thousand other children are at risk right now, this is when i question the meaning of life?

i cried today whilst listenign to this storyand i thought i hope i dont feel faint while listening, but i cannot and will not turn away form it because its collective anger and sadness that changes things.

anyway this guy on the radio talking to jeremy vine said it was 'corporate' failure because soicial workers were not the only ones who either didnt notice (!?) or didnt act:mad: :weep:

12-11-08, 20:16
poor little man I hope he is at peace now, and suffers no more, one more angel is watching us tonight, sleep tight little man xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

as for the so called parents and people taking care of him I cant put into words what i think, rotting in hell would not be good enough, put em in a room full of women, prison is just a holiday OH i could go on $$56776$££"!!3$&*(

Emma xxx

12-11-08, 20:19
Corporate failure? Maybe, but as far as I'm aware, only Social Services have the powers to remove a child from home and take him/her to a place of safety.
They didn't, so the liability should rest with them.

12-11-08, 23:21
You know I havent heard anyone question the neighbours. family or friends who surely must have been about the child. It's a societal breakdown. You can blame as many different agencies as you like but the truth is we as a society do not care to ensure it doesnt happen otherwise it wouldnt continue to happen.
How long was the last child really remembered for. How convient that the media's memory was jogged into action after the event. Who voted for the party with child protection at the top of its agenda and then set about bringing them down because they didn't deliver? The reality of our society and culture (in my opinion) is that more people have and probably will vote to get Laura back on the X Factor than will actually practically do something to protect children.
I apologise if this perspective is controversial or brutal. It's just how I see it.

Pooh x

12-11-08, 23:58
I have just been laid beside my two year old son who woke up crying and the love i feel for this little man is beyond what i ever imagined it would be. These vile beings who are allowed to raise their children even when it is clear they are at risk is hard too hard to swallow. what the hell is the world coming to? Sadly, i am not easily shocked anymore, i worked in a childrens home and was privy to so much information that it does not bare thinking about. This case however, did shock me to the core. My OH heard it on the radio coming home from work and had to pull the car over to be sick as the broadcast was so graphic. And so it should be! The world needs to know what is inflicted on these vulnerable victims of abuse and neglect, it is no good pretending that it does not happen. All this crap about keeping families together and not splitting them up, someone up there in high places is responsible for this childs (and many others) pain and suffering. I do not get it! Why is it so bad for children to be placed in the care? Why is it unethical for children to be removed from the care of abusers and neglecters? This is what they try to convince us! It is rubbish, absolute rubbish. Children are losing their lives because someone believes that it is in the best interest of the parents to be able to keep their children. Sorry for the rant but something must be done and i'm sorry to say that these things will continue.
The only people who are really to blame are the monsters who do these things to these helpless children but social workers need to take more drastic action to prevent it.

God bless this child and all others who have suffered and are suffering xxx

13-11-08, 10:39
last night i had the privalledge of putting my children to bed.
as i snuggled the wee ginger one into her warm cot,i was unable to contain the tears.all this wee bundle of joy needed was a cuddle,some warm milk and a dummy,not much to ask is it? that poor little babba,broken back,ribs oh how can it happen ?
so those with children
like me,must be holding them tight to their heart and soul today
treasure them,cherish their awesome innocence,and be thankful for the greatest gift this universe can bestow on anyone.:weep:

13-11-08, 14:04
You know I havent heard anyone question the neighbours. family or friends who surely must have been about the child. It's a societal breakdown. You can blame as many different agencies as you like but the truth is we as a society do not care to ensure it doesnt happen otherwise it wouldnt continue to happen.
How long was the last child really remembered for. How convient that the media's memory was jogged into action after the event. Who voted for the party with child protection at the top of its agenda and then set about bringing them down because they didn't deliver? The reality of our society and culture (in my opinion) is that more people have and probably will vote to get Laura back on the X Factor than will actually practically do something to protect children.
I apologise if this perspective is controversial or brutal. It's just how I see it.

Pooh x

You make many valid points here pooh, particularly about neighbours, family and friends having knowledge of what was going on.
I don't know if others were aware but even if they were, what then? The most obvious thing to do is to report suspected or factual abuse to Social Services or the police as the law does not allow people to take direct action themselves.
Regardless of which political party is in power, it will only be Social services that are in a position to remove a child from an abusive situation, obviously with input from other services such as Health and Education. Until these services start to improve their lines of communication, ensuring that each knows what the other is doing then the situation as it stands (and has done for years) cannot possibly improve.
I agree that in all probability the tragedy that happened to this little lad will slide from the memory (but never be actually forgotten), just as it happened with Victoria Climbie. Until the next time another child dies from cruelty and yet another professional assures us that "lessons will be learned".

Only my opinion :)

Cathy V
13-11-08, 14:39
The police had been alerted on numerous occasions, who alerted them? perhaps it was the neigbours or another member of the family, but the fact is that whoever was concerned enough to bring this child to the attention of social services, not enough was done.

This little boy had been put onto an 'at risk' register, doesnt that mean he was 'at risk'? He was on that register for 8 months and his social worker visited this family on average twice a week for all of those months. If a trained social worker, trained to deal with signs of child abuse could have missed this systematic abuse, i still say there's no hope for other children in the system.

As has been said above, neigbours and people around them, can only report what they see or hear, its then up to the social workers to do something about it. They failed...again.

16-11-08, 11:37
oh my
ive just seen a picture of baby p and he is the double of our nephew oliver
ive just stood in asda sobbing over the front cover of the sun
oh my
its comforting on a human level to realise that oliver is safe and cherished like baby p should have been,but its agony to see baby p s picture
"flat woe is me
poor child for thee"
(the coventry carol):weep: :lac:

16-11-08, 11:44
i read news of the world this morn and it made me cry, how sickening wot they did to him, that is the worse thing i have ever heard and i cant stop thinking about it

16-11-08, 15:04
I can't stop thinking about it either. I cried today while reading the mirror. What they did to that child was disgusting I don't know how anyone could do that to a child.

16-11-08, 15:21
I have a child the same age as baby p.I look into her little face and feel so much love for her.I feel sick to my stomach when she falls or if she bangs herself.i can not understand how anyone could even think of hurting any child never mind your own! Why is it that social workers are quick to step in in cases they do not need to...my sister had a baby at 2 years old who was taken into care with red marks behind his knees and in his elbow...which turned out to be ECZEMA!!!...so how can something like this be missed....all parties involved should be strung up and tortured in the same way that little helpless baby spent his short and horrific life!I only have peace in knowing this child is no longer suffering and i hope that love and peace will protect him in his after life...and i hope those *******s get everything they deserve when they get sent down!!!

17-11-08, 10:20
i agree completely:weep:

17-11-08, 10:49
every day i read and hear more and more to this story and people involved and every day i feel sadder and sadder.

17-11-08, 11:49
This absolutely devastates me,i couldnt bring to read the story in detail until yest i read a bit and had to stop as i was sobbing,he was a beautiful little angel,how could anyone do that?I always try to be positive and see the good in people but things like that make it impossible.R.I.P little angelxxxx

17-11-08, 15:19
I havent been able to read the full account of what happened in the case of Baby P, the terrible injuries he sustained were just too upsetting. I will however force my resistance aside to read every last word. WHY? Because as a nation and members of society we should open up our minds to this horrific abuse, not bury our heads in the sand! We need to know what that poor little man endured at the hands of these evil, sadistic people. This country needs to start and stand up for these poor children, many are let down by their families and many are also let down by a system that is failing them. The only person who can say that she tried was this brave lady who whistleblew on the authorities who were supposedly responsible for Baby P. If any of you are wanting to do anything to help, something to help you feel as if you are giving something, then can I make a suggestion. Donate to the NSPCC, the work they do is fantastic. I have made a monthly donation of £6 for the past 10 years and always recieve an update of what work they have been doing to help children at risk. You don't have to donate this much money, just a few pound can help or even a small one off donation.

God bless Baby P and may he forever be in our hearts and minds! xx

17-11-08, 16:37
I sat and read this in bed last night in bed & sobbed. That poor poor child...the social workers involved in this case should also be sentenced in my opinion, the same local authority who failed to pick up that Victoria Climbie was being abused...disgusting!
There has been so much work within health & social care to bridge the divide between health & social in preventing these cases occurring...evidently not enough.

I wish his parents good luck in prison you bunch of disgusting scum bags & hope you get the s**t kicked out of you & suffer in hell.

As for baby P...sleep peacefully darling xxx

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