View Full Version : weird visual disturbance

12-11-08, 13:45
Just wondering if anyone else has had this, it started off with a kind of bright speck in my eye and then the shape changed to a kind of jaggy shape affecting my vision, but then it started flickering and moving,took about 10/15mins to go away didnt have a headache , is this serious could it be the start of a brain tumour kinda freaking out here :blush:

12-11-08, 13:51
Just wondering if anyone else has had this, it started off with a kind of bright speck in my eye and then the shape changed to a kind of jaggy shape affecting my vision, but then it started flickering and moving,took about 10/15mins to go away didnt have a headache , is this serious could it be the start of a brain tumour kinda freaking out here :blush:

NO it is not a brain tumour it sounds like optical migraine.

12-11-08, 13:58
Hello Kitty Kat, i get a lot of floaters in front of my eyes that are all different shapes along with a lot of blurred vision that brings on headaches. Apparently i dont need glasses lol but its to do with stress and working on a computer. Does this apply to you?


12-11-08, 14:29
no tash, i do get floaters but these generally just come from no where xx

12-11-08, 15:59
no tash, i do get floaters but these generally just come from no where xx

With the Zig-Zag shapes it sounds like an optical migraine.

12-11-08, 16:10
trixie, do u know what these are and if they are serious also what causes them, and would i just take paracetamol for them ??
Sorry if im asking a lot of questions xx

12-11-08, 16:15
trixie, do u know what these are and if they are serious also what causes them, and would i just take paracetamol for them ??
Sorry if im asking a lot of questions xx

I had it once and the doctor told me what it was. I didn't have it again.

Does it look like the Ophthalmic Migraine shown on Google Images (first picture)?

12-11-08, 16:16
The Zig Zag shape.

12-11-08, 17:39
yes , it looks like tht, i darent google anymore as ive banned myself from google xx

12-11-08, 17:42
yes , it looks like tht, i darent google anymore as ive banned myself from google xx

That's what mine was like a zig zag that started in the corner and travelled round in an arc shape over and over.

12-11-08, 17:44
trixie, do u know what these are and if they are serious also what causes them, and would i just take paracetamol for them ??
Sorry if im asking a lot of questions xx
Well mine happened on a Sunday morning so I did go over to the doctors he told me what it was and that was it. I didn't have a headache and I didn't take any tablets. Someone else I know had one once.

12-11-08, 17:52
Sounds just like the optic migraines that I've had. I get 2-3 per year and just had one a month or so ago. Mine is a zigzag line that keeps moving across my field of vision. I see it whether my eyes are opened or closed. My doctor said it is an optic migraine. Sometimes you get a bad headache after the flashing stops, sometimes not. When I get one, I usually lay in a dark room, sometimes take a sedative, although by the time it kicks in, the flashing has usually stopped. Mine usually last 15-20 minutes. Sometimes I think it is good to go ahead and take motrin or something as soon as you see the flashing lines and it may prevent the headache. Optic migraines are actually a spasm in the blood vessel in the brain that supplys the optic nerve. My sister gets them at times as does her 17 year old daugher. I think stress can cause them and also maybe the same triggers that cause regular migraines. Chocolate, wine, cheese, nitrates in hot dogs, etc.

I know how scary they can be. I usually freak out, but I try not to worry since I don't have them often. I guess they are quite common.


12-11-08, 17:58
Kitty Kat try not to worry too much, this sounds like a classic migraine. There tend to be two different types of people, some who get migraines with nausea, dizziness etc. and others who get visual disturbances and tension.

The likelihood is that you made yourself tense and this brought on a migraine. I used to have them when I was younger exactly the same as you, without the pain of a headache. Also, I had half vision (I would only see half of people's faces, half of words etc.) and after an optician's appointment they confirmed they were migraines.

Tension and anxiety does funny things and they can certainly affected our nerves and eyes so don't worry, just try to relax and it should go away.


13-11-08, 01:56
Agree with everyone else - a classic migraine aura. Mine start in one corner of my vision, black and white zigag lines, and take 20 minutes to move right across from one side of my field of vision to the other, then sometimes I get a headache if I don't take painkillers while the aura is taking place. It's all caused by stress or can be hormone related, I always used to get one before a period. If the flashing lights last longer than half and hour see an opthalmologist, but pretty sure it's only migraine - not nice I know. Hope you feel better soon.

13-11-08, 09:14
Hi, as others have said this is a migraine with aura, I've had them for a few years and seem to be brought on by stress, I had one on Monday and still don't feel quite right now, it starts with where I notice I can't see certain words on a page/screen and then quickly starts flashing into a zig zag, gradually moving across my vision, the first few times it happened I was so scared but now I try not to panic, take a couple of Syndol and lie down in a darkened room until it passes, which is usually about 20-30 mins, it leaves me feeling washed out for the rest of the day though.

14-11-08, 08:39
Hello Kittycat. A few years back I was at work when I noticed a little pulsating light in my eye and I thought I had been looking at the strip light and it had reflected in my eye, but then it got bigger and changed into an arc shape and became zig zagged and pulsated with an electric blue and white around the zig zags, it got larger and larger until it disappeared out of my vision, it really scared me as I had not had it before and I went along to the optician who assured me that it was just an optical migraine. I have had them quite often since them and mine usually last 22 mins and I do not get a headache afterwards. Hope this of help to you:)