View Full Version : Just wondering

12-11-08, 14:18
Hiya Folks,
Was just wondering if anyone else just feels totaly spaced out all the time ??? im not on medication or anything, im fine first thing in the morning, then at about 10.30, i just seem to feel spaced out up till bed time.

Just wondered if anyone else felt this way, if im reassured its just anxiety then i can just learn to live with it and ignore it till it goes away.

Much thanks for you help :winks:

12-11-08, 14:23
Spaced out how? I have had the feeling of being in my own bubble before and nothing seeming real. That is a normal sign of anxiety. I have had days where I just dont care and it seems like I am spaced out. Anxiety can do some crazy things to us.

12-11-08, 14:27
I suppose by saying spaced out, the feeling is like im a bit high, does this make sense, like my reactions feel very quick in a slow world. i cant really describe it well

12-11-08, 14:32
oh yes - im permanently like this - i walk around in a daze half the time

12-11-08, 14:37
Ta Bab,
Not that i would wish it on anyone, but does feel better knowing im not the only one.

12-11-08, 14:58
its anxiety hun ive had it too.....xxxxxxxxxxxxxhugglesxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:bighu g1:

12-11-08, 18:52
its horrible sometimes i think someone needs to give me a good slap - no volunteers please - i feel like everyone else is so focussed and i am not

Cathy V
12-11-08, 20:26
Hi missy, i get something like it, and have had it off and on over the years. The docs once said it might be hormone related, but then he decided that because im an anxious person, i was using up more energy that normal so it was more of a low blood sugar thing. I didnt get it all day but it would last for about an hour, and id get it most days at some point. Id feel like i had to sit down and eat something. Dont know if its the same feeling for you. Feel that when i turn my head, my eyes take a few secs to catch up! I do still get it some days and seems to be mostly in the mornings, but i do take meds (betablockers) so i put it down to that these days.

Might be worth having a chat to the doc though...xxx