View Full Version : headache/dizzyness

12-11-08, 14:29

well today driving home i got a sudden headache sort of above and behind my left eye,it has since got worse,i took paracetamol about 2 hours ago which has made a slight difference.

I don't know whether its because im thinking of the possibilities of it being the start of a brain haemhorrage (however you spell that) but i was just feeding my daughter and started to feel as if the room was swaying side to side/dizzy, like my left eye is a little blurred,weak and faint.

So scared im going to die and i feel like i just want to go to bed...obviously i cannot with a 1 year old and no-one else home! should i be worried? What could these symptoms be? I don't want to google!

Cassi xxx

12-11-08, 15:01
it wont be a brain haemorrage hun...just anxiety i reckon...youll be fine

12-11-08, 15:09
thanks hun, i know im so dramatic but i cant help it...always thinking the worst!!! xxxx

12-11-08, 16:11
Hi Cassie, please don't worry, it definitely won't be a haemorhage or anything like that. My sister in law had a brain haemorhage and there was no warning whatsoever (there usually isn't). I think you just have a tension headache sweetie so try and relax your facial muscles and cuddle your little one, you are far too young to be worrying about things like that. I hope your headache is better soon.

Pudding xx

12-11-08, 18:30
Thanks for your message pudding, headache bit better now after paracetamol AND ibuprofen, sorry to hear of your sister in law! I feel alot better now, but dizzyness always scares me. Iv got quite of stress at the mo so i know im overly anxious at the moment.

Thanks again xxx

12-11-08, 21:16
hi it mightb have been a slight migrain i had it last wk