View Full Version : Winter

12-11-08, 16:05
Does anybody feel worse with their HA when the nights started drawing in? I've definitely noticed myself having far more morbid thoughts since the clocks went back. Wandering if anyone else felt like this?

Take care

12-11-08, 16:12
Have you tried a light box?

12-11-08, 16:15
Hello Monkeyness, i def feel like this too, mainly cos im scared this will be my last christmas etc and i love christmas. Apparently its actually proven that winter makes you depressed

The winter blues

''A condition that causes sufferers to find wintertime intolerably miserable and depressing Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) can cause depression, oversleeping, overeating and food cravings for carbohydrates. ''

Hmm another thing lol but i do think its normal for everyone to feel a little depressed with the darkness etc but made worse because on the anxiety


fruit shoot
12-11-08, 16:19

I know what you mean .. im the same and i think it has definetly got something to do with winter setting in. Even getting up in the morning can be tough as its still dark. My HA is at its worse this time of the year, cause i tend to get frightened about illnesses and germs etc.. I think most people feel this way and everyone tends to get themselves stressed out at Christmas and everything. Spring cant come quick enough. If i could i think i would leave the country for 6 months and come back for summer and feel better again

:shades: Take Care

12-11-08, 16:22
The HA lingers there all year flares up now and then worse than others. If I have a lot to take my mind off it like work, it's not so bad.

Winter it def gets worse - and Ive had those thoughts too about Xmas! Last year it was worse, I couldnt explain it away. but I felt so miserable! I had all my family around me and I just kept thinking about dying and leaving them! I wish I could have just enjoyed it for the moment and Im going to try to make a concerted effort to enjoy this Xmas. Im alive, Im healthy (until my mind tells me Im not) so Im going to try!

I haven't tried a light box Trixie, have you? Might be worth a go...
