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View Full Version : I need advise from any one who suffers ectopic beats

12-11-08, 19:17
Im starting to worry my self sick about these.

I was wondering how people feel when they have a ectopic beat?

Some time like today, I have a flutter sensation in my heart. And then other days, It does a hard beat but like 3 in a row, which leaves me dizzy and then I start to panic.

Ive had ECG in the past, but al come back OK. But now im starting to think they've missed something Or my heart was ok back then but now there is Some thing seriously wrong.

Night times are my worse for the past couple of weeks I just cant stop panicking. im sitting here now panicking like mad with flashing lights in my eyes. Does any one eles get lights in there eyes and some times there red?

im so sorry for this long post as you can tell, having a very bad night. Any replys would be gratefull xx

12-11-08, 19:34
Hi Leeann

1st of all long post? Leave it out you seen some type here? it's like war and peace ;)

I have had ectopics on and off for a few years. The 2 most disturbing sensations for me are:

The lift sensation, like you are in a lift that drops suddenly, you feel your heart stopped


The butterfly sensation, like a mad rush of quick beats that leaves you dizzy and panicky.

Now, you have had the ECG so it is just plain ole ectopics.

Now I could tell you not to panic, but who am I ;)

So here is a paragraph from the British Heart Foundation, who, apparantly know a thing or 2 about it ;):

An ectopic beat is an 'extra' beat of the heart and is the most common cause of palpitations. It occurs when cells in another part of the heart release an electrical discharge causing an 'extra' heart beat. There is sometimes a very short a pause after the extra beat has occurred giving the sensation of a 'missed beat'.
Ectopics are very common and most people are totally unaware of them. They can occur in people of all ages and in those with or with out a heart condition. For most people ectopics are completely harmless and do not need any treatment. Feeling anxious, stressed or tired may increase the risk of ectopics, as can smoking, drinking caffeine and excess alcohol. Avoiding cigarettes, coffee, and alcohol can help to reduce ectopics. If you have been under a lot of pressure recently it may help to take some steps to try and control your stress levels.



12-11-08, 22:13
I agree with everything said in previous post especially about the two worst sensations.
I have had ectopics every day for past 25 years!! At their worst they come every 3rd beat for weeks on end and it is truly horrible but past couple of years have improved ( fingers crossed here) and just notice them a few times a day.
I had 24 ecg every 4 years and it always shows them and they are always the harmless ones. told by cardiologist that Dr's don't tell patients they ahve them if the patient doens't mention them becasue they are so common. He also said anxious people are the ones who always notice them.

Try increasing your potassium as low potassium can set them off - this appies to me and I need to eat bananas!

Miss Alissa
13-11-08, 11:41
Hi there

Ectopics suck – and the worst thing is that they come along in all different forms so as soon as you’ve got used to them feeling one way they change just to keep you well and truly freaked out. I’ve suffered with them for years, initially they were just the hard thud followed by sharp intake of breath or cough, but I also get the flutters and the kind of boom-boom-boom run of 3 or 4 – I had an ECG a few years back as had heart murmur when I was younger but like you, they came back absolutely fine.

I found this website (think I found it through somebody else on this site actually) really helpful in understanding the ‘science’ of ectopics if you like – I don’t know about you but understanding the physiology helps me a little.

http://palps.chemicalforums.com (http://palps.chemicalforums.com/)

And like others here –they’re worse after eating, during a hangover, and at any time when I sit and think about them!

Take care


13-11-08, 16:19
Thanks every one. Ive been getting the flutter feelings today. But im so worried about it and even dreaming about my heart at night. May be because im always thinking about it it happens more.

Hope every ones ok x

Natural Mystic
13-11-08, 19:34
Does anyone feel a kind of head rush alongside these ectopics? I don't know how else to explain it, your head drops along with the heart feeling.

Ohhhhhh I can't even explain it

kawasaki kid
13-11-08, 20:21
hi there, pleased to meet your aqaintance.......I bin suffering these dam things on ond off for about three months.........I am not a worryer or a panicer but this last wk mr ectopic has done me in............for some reason he will not leave me alone, all day every day HE'S bin there........Ive had the tests to say im all clear of anything sinister but the ectopics still persist in wrecking my day............Ive been trying to work out what may trigger them off as i have now decided to treat mr ectopic as a bit of an adventure.......I will not be defeated and he will be NO MORE.......FUNNYELY enough 2day upto now I havent had a single one and not changed my habbits in any way ie smoking,caffeene or food so at the mo my quest has hit a dead end.......tomorrow is another day and the next chapter begins...........................your not on your own wi this one so if i can be of any help to you, feel free to contact me anytime........keep your chin up.....chris:yesyes:

14-11-08, 09:25
yes, i agree. I get them all the time at the moment and the 2 worst ones are the pressure in head one and the feeling of drop in a lift one - really scarey

16-11-08, 09:06
Hi Leeann,
Sorry to hear you suffer from ectopic beats,I understand how you feel.
I have suffered with these rotten things for many years and they drive me and the cardiologist nuts especially when I keep asking for reassurance that they are harmless.
I am now 64 years of age and still find it difficult not to worry about them.
I take sotalol to try and regulate the heart rate but the ectopics still come and go.
I was put on a holter monitor for 24 hours which recorded over 3000 ectopics the cardiologist said they are benign and to stop worrying.
At times the ectopics come every second third or fourth beat for hours at a time.Sometimes I think food or drink may trigger them or they may be more noticeable with food in the stomach.
Good luck,and I hope you find a way to get rid of the ectopics.

16-11-08, 19:04
I wanted to give you some positive hope on these - Last year, I had them for just over a year all day, every day, every 10 beats, sometimes every 3 beats and they scared me witless... then one day they just stopped. I went to an acupuncturist who helped me a lot and I really believe this helped.

Prior to getting them, I had gastritis problems and discussing with my doc, there is a link between the two. The vagus nerve runs between the heart and the stomach and if stimulated can trigger them. The acupuncturist also confirmed the link in Chinese medicine which was very interesting.

I had all the heart tests, saw a useless cardio who told me everyone had them just as bad and that I was over-reacting - HA - what does he know! - in the end I sought my own treatment via the acupuncture.

It helped me to eat smaller meals too, and to try not to burp which tended to stimulate the vagus nerve even more.

Finally, I believe hormones in our 40s and 50s make the vagus nerve more sensitive to stimulation.

hope this helps - sorry it isn't worded brilliantly, but there really is hope - they could indeed go one day. I have been clear of them for 15 months now. :)

Cathy V
16-11-08, 20:27
Hi leeann, ive just logged onto that link that Miss Alissa gave in her reply and its really interesting site dedicated only to palpitations in all their different forms. Anxiety can bring them on, as can too much caffiene, smoking, alcohol etc, and there is definately a trigger from the stomach to the heart (via the Vagus nerve). I'd been having ectopics and flutters for many months, and had cardio tests that were clear. I was recently given something to take for my stomach discomfort and as soon as i started taking it the ectopics stopped. Havent had one now for about a month.

Hope you get the information you need about them
Cathy xxx :)

16-11-08, 21:53
Hi there, I had ectopics for months which stopped when i had a tooth abscess which was so painful i think my heart forgot about doing ectopics. Believe me, something will come along to take its place.