View Full Version : Heartburn ?

12-11-08, 19:20
Hi all,
does any one get heart burn? I have had my meds(Fluoxetine) increased to 4omg from 20mg. Could this be causing it, never realy had it before. Oh dear something else to worry about

12-11-08, 19:57
Hi DotCom, i get awful heartburn as i am pregnant and acid reflux which wakes me up with a burning sensation in my throat and a crushing feeling. My heartburn seems to sit over my left breast and its so bad sometimes that i worry i may be having a heart attack lol


12-11-08, 20:11
I had terrible heartburn in my third (and last) pregnancy. I never got it with the other two but I was nearly 37 when I got pregnant with my now seven year old girl and had heartburn all the way through right from 7 weeks pregnant. I remember my neighbour saying she would be born with a lot of hair but she was as bald as a coot.:roflmao:

I did get heartburn again a few weeks ago and went to the doctor because I read that if you are 45 or over and getting heartburn for the first time then you should get it checked out. My doctor ordered some blood tests that came out fine except the one for helibactor which is a bacteria in the stomach that half the population have apparently. He then gave me a strong cocktail of antibiotics to get rid of the bacteria and I haven't really had it since. He put me on the omeprazole tablets which worked really well but I haven't felt the need to take them since.

12-11-08, 20:38

I am also on Fluoxetine and I know that in the beginning my doc told me that it could cause heartburn or acid reflex.

I did get really bad heartburn with it in the beginning but gradually it has worn off.

Sometimes it comes back generally about 20 mins after taking it. I try to make sure I make sure I take a large glass of water with it, always after food and make sure I sit up for a while after taking it.
