View Full Version : Test Results Clear but I still don't feel right

13-11-08, 00:02
I went to the doctor couple of weks ago with some gynelogical problems a couple of weeks ago, she told me what she thought it was a prescribed me what she thought might help. Well it didn't, so went to the nurse last week who did some tests. I got the results back today and was told that they've come back clear and nothings wrong. Funny thing was that whilst i was waiting for the results i didn't suffer as much with my HA (guess i figured whatever's wrong would be found and then i could face it). However since finding out the results my HA symptoms have come back, i feel that whatever is wrong (as i'm sure something is, just maybe not as bad as what i fear) hasn't been dealt with. They just said "no your fine" no come back and talk to the doctor or anything. I actually feel quite let down.
I'm going to book an appt tomorrow morning but now that i've been to the doc and they can see i have HA i just feel that, that will be blamed and my symptoms won't actually be considered for what they are!!!! Or is this part of HA???