View Full Version : Panic disorder seems to be here to stay. (hello)!

13-11-08, 02:34
It's unfortunate but there was a stage in my life where if someone asked me what I was like, the first thing to pop in my head would be "panic disorder" and "agoraphobic".

I've had panic disorder for nearly 3 years now.

I've tried CBT, different meds and nothing really worked.

It took me nearly 2 years to be able to drive over a bridge. Some days I still struggle with it.

I'm currently on Effexor 225mg. this is going to be put up to 300mg tomorrow. Effexor seems much better than Zoloft and the myriad of other drugs I've tried.

I am constantly double checking my mind to see if I'm about to have a panic attack... if things then start looking "unreal" for me and the adrenaline kicks in.. I know I'm about to have one..... :(

I'm in Australia, I'm 32 and the hot weather has just hit us here which isn't helping.

I really want to have children one day but it's looking like a no-no.

I look forward to talking to you and reading this forum.

Cheers, A.

13-11-08, 03:52
welcome avery,
i am only 22 but i have had panic now for about the same amount of time. i am on lexapro and it has worked wonders. started to forget to take it a lot it was working so well lol. so ive been having attacks a lot lately. gotta remember to take the meds no matter if symptoms or no symptoms. if effexor doesn't work, maybe ask your doctor to try lexapro. worth a shot.
hope you like the site! it has helped me a lot!! :)


13-11-08, 09:39
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

13-11-08, 10:22
Welcome Avery,

I'm new to this website too, but sadly not so new to Panic Disorder. I was on medication for 4 years and am off but I sure have days when I wonder if it was the right decision. But I refuse to let go of the belief I can keep going.

It's hard to believe but you CAN make it through! The fact that you can now drive over bridges when you couldn't before means you've already come a long way, so don't give up. Give yourself credit for your progress! It's so interesting to hear you have that fear because so does a friend of mine.

Have you ever read the "IT" books by Bev Aisbett? Have a look on the web, they're fantastic.

Hope you're having a 'good' day!

13-11-08, 10:25
Hi there

Welcome aboard :flowers:


13-11-08, 11:07
Hi Avery,:)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes xx :bighug1:

13-11-08, 11:09
:welcome: hi avery, you are coping well, and you can recover from this, many ppl do. nmp can be a big part of that, as you are no longer alone:hugs:

13-11-08, 11:42
Hi Avery,

Welcome to the site....there are so many people on here that have great ideas and tips.

Where abouts in Oz are you....I am heading out there Xmas Day for 3 weeks and I am petrified my anxiety will take over out there!

Nic x

13-11-08, 11:49

Wanna swap weather?...lol! I for one am so jealous. Australia was my last holiday, 12 years ago. I finished one a good one :)

Anyway...panic and agoraphobia is consuming, most of my thoughts are somehow related to it. I've been a sufferer for ten years now and there are days, i just don't want to be here anymore and then there are better days.

You confronted a fear of driving a bridge, so you know, anything IS possible :)

I'm sure you'll get lots of support and advice...


13-11-08, 12:43
Hey hon,

What meds have you tried cos you should really give em all a good go.

The sris take 4 weeks to work, I am on paroxetine and it has given me a life.

Good luck and I hope you will one day be in a position to have that baby you want. x x

13-11-08, 13:26
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

milly jones
18-11-08, 17:44
a warm welcome to no more panic

milly xx