View Full Version : Vision Going to Hell

13-11-08, 07:19
My vision is becoming absolutely hopeless, especially at night. I see doubles of nearly everything, lights startle me and leave blotches in my eyes, random blotches appear out of nowhere, I feel like things are moving out of the corner of my eyes (then I readjust my vision and there's always an explanation for it, but it still freaks me out), I mistake things for people, and I have a constant head ache while all of this is going on. It's getting very difficult to bear, because it strengthens my worst fear, that I'm going schizophrenic and will start real hallucinations any minute now. I'm also really beginning to fear the hypnagogic stage of sleep even though my hypnogogic hallucinations are extremely mild (some random thoughts and the occasional impression of a voice). Can somebody help assuage my fears by telling me they've been there, or prompt me to further action by telling me that this is most definitely not anxiety and I need to get help immediately?

13-11-08, 08:36
I will, the headache's can be caused directly by the poor vision. It happens when you wear glasses that aren't right for your prescription. Hallucinations are usually caused by something deeper in the mind, these sound like something wrong with your eyes and visual system, unrelated to your anxiety. I'd go to your GP, and describe these symptoms as an individual problem as opposed to something you fear may be caused by your anxiety and see if your doctor recognises them as symptoms of another ailment.

Kind regards,


13-11-08, 09:26
My vision was the first symptom I noticed 9mts ago when all my health anxiety started. I was sitting on a train and everything just look blurry and out of focus. This sparked off a fear about brain tumors and my anxiety and vision has spiralled out of control since then.
I get lots of glare too especially from artificial lights such as traffic lights etc I struggle to read words on TV coz of the glare - I wont let my picture be taken anymore coz the flash on the camera stays in my eyes for up to 30mins and it drives me crazy. Sometimes I am sitting at work and little lights just seem to float fast past my eyes - I am constantly checking my eyes too which makes the problem even worse such as I will test myself to see if I can read a car reg or a notice on a notice board. If I succeed I tell myself 'see you havent got blurred vision' but I usually fail - but its hard for me to tell myself that I wouldnt of been able to read something that faraway before all this started and thats why I cant do it now. But it seems to be the more I check my eyes, the worse they are getting. I have had an eye test and a brain scan.

13-11-08, 23:34
Thanks guys.... anyone else?