View Full Version : Not sure where to turn now

13-11-08, 09:42
I'm not sure what to put here just that I need to get this all down and try and sort my life out. I've had anxiety problems since I was 20 (I'm 40 now), I have 2 kids (12&14) and would like to get back to work, I've tried to work around them over the years as my family won't help out and hubby's job is not flexible. I've had a back problem that has prevented me from working the last 2 years but I really need to get back to work and miss the contact with other people. Monday I had a horrible migraine attack brought on by stress and today I'm still suffering with a stiff neck, which I can feel all around my head (hope this is normal) aching head.

I'm finding it almost impossible to get a job, everyone wants references but it's so long since I worked this is very difficult, nothing ever seems to work out for me. I feel like I've lost a chunk of my life. I'm also worried that I won't cope with working due to anxiety and my back complaint. I'm crying all the time cos I wonder what has gone wrong in my life. I just feel a useless wreck at the moment.

Sorry to go on, none of this makes sense so I'll understand if no one else can make sense of it either, but I feel a little better for putting it all down here.

Thanks for listening.

13-11-08, 10:45
Hi Delta

I was on the sick for five years with depression and anxiety. I have now been in the same job for the last 3 and half years, and I love it. Though there are talks of redundancies which has me very stressed at the moment.

I got back into work by doing voluntary work for a while before getting my current job. I worked in a Marie Curie Cancer charity shop. It was great fun and got me back into a working routine. It also brushed up my customer service and cash handling skills, and meeting people again was great.

Why don't you try this as it is a good way to test the water before committing yourself to a job. Treat the voluntary work as a job, but it honestly doesn't carry the pressure of paid work as you are the one giving them your time. You also get a good feeling about giving something back too. It's a win win situation. Give it a go!!!!

13-11-08, 17:40
Hi mate,

I have gone through all this earlier in my life. I have found a numerous different medication classes for treating anxiety disorders. Certain drug classes are more effective than others on specific anxiety disorders. If you are suffering from an acute anxiety attack, you can start generally with short-term treatment with benzodiazepines. If you are looking to prevent anxiety episodes, you can start generally with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, or buspirone.

Other options may comprise tricyclic antidepressants, beta-blockers, and, rarely, monoamine oxidase inhibitors. You can also use some of these drugs together if the necessity arises.Each drug has its own restrictions and specifications. You have to stick to them while using any of these drugs. You can know more by visiting the following links:


14-11-08, 09:10
Hi andie73
Thanks for your reply.:)
I registered with a volunteer agency a couple of months back but haven't taken the plunge yet, I've had another look this morning after reading your reply and there's an opportunity half a mile from here so I will send my details and go from there. I'm pleased to hear that things have worked out for you.
I'm so nervous about going back out to work though :weep:
Thanks again.

Hi Delta

I was on the sick for five years with depression and anxiety. I have now been in the same job for the last 3 and half years, and I love it. Though there are talks of redundancies which has me very stressed at the moment.

I got back into work by doing voluntary work for a while before getting my current job. I worked in a Marie Curie Cancer charity shop. It was great fun and got me back into a working routine. It also brushed up my customer service and cash handling skills, and meeting people again was great.........