View Full Version : Ladies - IUD question

13-11-08, 10:09

I have been lurking on this site for some time.

I have been having panic and anxiety attacks for some weeks now, due to some bowel problems. I am off for a barium enema this pm, so I am really nervous - the results take two weeks!

I stupidly googled my bowel problems and came up with the possibility of a gyno type cancer!! so even if my bowel is clear, I could have something horrible.

I am really panicking becasue last year, I dodn't go for my coil check appointment. Does anyone know if this could lead to cervical or uterine cancer?

Why was I so stupid???

Can anyone offer me any information, please?


13-11-08, 14:20
Hi RootyTooty,

I can't help with your particular question but i think that everyone deserves a response to their posts, particularly as we all know what its like to be so worried. I suffer from IBS (a family condition) i assume this is not the cause of your problems but i'm sure worrying and stressing will only make it worse. I know it's easier said than done but try to stay calm. I firmly believe that although i worry about something seriously being wrong with me, if there was i would be strong enough to face it and i'm sure you would too. Take care of yourself and i hope everything works out x x x

13-11-08, 14:32
I'm sorry but I've never had a coil so can't really help either but I think you are probably just worrying because you missed your appointment. I was late by 2 years going for my last smear because I know I should have gone after 3 years but kept ignoring the letters but fortunately when I had one the results were okay. I think your bowel problems are most likely to do with anxiety because I think quite a few people on here have had them quite frequently when worried and I have had problems this week too.

Do you have smear tests every 3 years?

13-11-08, 14:38
:) hi like charsey i dont think a coil could cause that particular problem, do you think its likely they would fit them if it could?i had mine in for 6 and a half years with no probs at all. i think googling symptoms is what makes things worse obviously! but i know its hard when you are worried about your health, i also agree that if you or any of us got sick we would find the strength to cope - lots of us do get sick and cope brilliantly, tc

13-11-08, 16:28

thanks for all of your kind replies.

Just back from Barium Enema. The process wasn't too bad, but as with all anxiety suffferers, I was torturing myself - trying to look at images - what is that black bit?? why are they taking so many pictures in different angles - have they spotted something?

Strangely, after 3 days of not eating, and extra strong laxatives (part of the re), I still don't feel hungry. I havent had much of an appetite for about 4 weeks. Is this just the anxiety? I have some valium, but I try yo only take it when things get REALLY bad. (Panic attacks - shaking, feeling like I am going to drive my car into a tree on purpose - that sort of thing).

Smear test - do you know, I can't think when my last one was. I know that every time I have been invited for one, I have gone along.

I have my coil check tomorrow, so I could ask doctor then. I am sure they are getting fed up with me now.

The main reason I am so scared is because of my two children (two girls 12 & 13). I am sooo scared that they will have to watch me die - how can I put that on them? My husband has ME. and I have to hold the family together - he doesn't drive, or do the finances, or sort the kids out. That said, he has been a real rock just lately.

Sometimes I want to close my eyes and never open them again, which is crazy, after what I just said about my kids.

I feel like I am losing my mind!

Thank you again

14-11-08, 14:23
Hello again,

Went for coil check this morning. I Feel that I am going in circles.

Asked when last smear test was - Jan 2006. So I should be getting another one soon.

I mentioned that I did get some slight bleeding between periods, and said that I thought this was normal with an IUD. Dr replied bluntly - no!

Panic ensuing, I am now convinced I have some horrible gyno cancer!

Dr has arranged frome to see a gynocologyst, but I don't know when I will get that appointment, so the torture just goes on and on.

Coil check seemed OK, and Dr took swab to check for any infections. Did bleed a bit after examination, but I hope this was just due to Dr poking around my cervix????

It did hurt a bit.

I really don't know how much more I can take, I feel like I am going mad.

Is there nobody out there who has an IUD?

BTW - I am 46 years old.

Thanks for listening - and for your support.

14-11-08, 16:39
The IUD can cause irregular bleeding, it is a foreign body in the uterus after all.

I actually want one would you mind telling me about experience of getting it put in?

14-11-08, 21:13
Hi Charlotte,

I have had two fitted. the first one hurt so much I nearly passed out. This was an IUS, which didn't really suit me.

So I changed to an IUD, and it wasn't so bad having that fitted. The reason I think is that the Dr used some local anaeshtetic (sorry , cant spell), which made the difference. Make sure to ask for some!

I am so upset at what the doctor said today about the bleeding not being normal, I really thought it was. Now I am really freaking out, imagining cancer again. I thought ovulation bleed was quite common, and the bleeding is quite slight and mid cycle! How could I be so stupid.

I have bled today, but when she (dr) did the coil check, it was quite painful, so maybe that is to be expected. I am hoping and praying.

Dr is arranging a gyno appointment, but I have no idea when that will be.

Sorry to keep going on, but I don't feel like I can go on anymore like this. I keep having really dark thoughts about putting myself outof my misery. I don't feel like I am part of the human race anymore, I am now different, less of a real person. I don't feel like I have a future anymore.

Thanks for your reply, and your support.

14-11-08, 22:08
Hi Rooty.

I have the Mirena coil, had it fitted after my last son was born. He will be 5 in December, so it will be 5 years early next year since I had it fitted. Guess I'm due for my check soon.

After about a year of having it, my periods became very irregular or non exisistent. My doc has told me this is normal for the coil, especially this make. I have also done some research and found this to be the case.

Since having this fitted and my periods becoming very irregular, I have had a smear, for which all was ok.

I think my next smear is due in a year or so. Hope this puts your mind at rest a bit.

Emma xx

14-11-08, 23:29
I have a Mirena coil which I have had for many years due to the fact that i can't face having it changed. It can cause irregular bleeding at first. Hope this helps.

15-11-08, 17:58
I'm pretty sure the Mirena coil needs replacing after 5 years so both of you really need to get them changed or taken out, or at least dont use them as contraceptive methods.

15-11-08, 20:32

Actually, my periods arepretty regular. It is just that I get this slight bleed mid cycle. As I said, I thought this was quite common and normal, but my Dr said no, it isn't.

that is why I am soo scared

15-11-08, 22:41
IT sounds like ovulation or just IUD bleeding to me, your smear will let you know if its anything to worry about though.