View Full Version : Growing Pains sensation in legs

13-06-05, 21:32
Anyone get these? I can only describe them as a similar feeling to what you get as a teenager, that feeling of gnawing in your legs. I've been getting it a lot recently, moreso when lying down in bed or sitting at my desk. The legs just feel 'weak' or achy.

I also notice that I have more difficulty walking on days when this symptom is worse - like I'm on a boat or I'm being dragged to one side.

I get a similar feeling in my left arm (left leg is more prone to this feeling than the right too). Both my doctor and oncologist have given me a neuro exam and they couldn't find anything wrong with me (or my brain atleast!).

13-06-05, 21:44
Yes we've seen this before = anxiety symptom

walking funny, head rushes and dizziness (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3610)


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14-06-05, 00:00
I have had both aching arms and legs.

VERY unpleasant and felt that I couldn't walk with the legs. But I forced myself to walk and in time I kissed the symptom goodbye.

Grrrr, Anxiety!


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