View Full Version : had my cards red - was very interesting

13-11-08, 12:11
ok so i have a mate who knows someone that does card readings i have known him for a few years but never ever had my cards red by him...so yesterday i finished work and got a text of him completly out of the blue saying " have you thought about going to swimming lately" well i replied saying well yes i have considerd it as its ment to be a great help for anxiety...well he told me he had a dream about me and him swimming and it was as clear as ever so this intrigued him so he said come for a reading whenever you can...so i went round last night...before i went i nearly had a panic attack thinking he knows something is wrong etc.. so anyway i got there and the first thing he said was dont panic as there is definatly nothing bad and you dont have any black clouds,,well i cant tell you how relieved i was to hear this..so i calmed down..anyway we started the card reading and alot of stuff came up.. everything was soooo spot on..he even said that he had not had a reading so clear as this in adges..every card that came up matched the story we were already making...it was amazing...i left there feeling as calm as ever..i know some people dont beleive in all of it but after yesterday i certainly do..just thought i would make a post on it..thanks for reading...xx

13-11-08, 14:17
i understand wot u saying hun but be really careful, as most of things they do is generalizing and can pick up on stuff from our body language to other stuff. plus he knows u. we can be really suseptable to things when we vunerable too, so best looking at it in a light hearted manner and dont live ur life by it hun. but still glad it made u feel good and calm afterwards, god knows we all need a boost at times. tc and speak soon xx mo

13-11-08, 14:29
Hi Titch

I have had a few readings before with cards,ribbons and stones i went with a open mind and to be honest its one of those things you believe or you dont and im afraid i dont. Some of things they have told me where correct (but then again could have been correct for most people) and others not. i think if it helps you then it can only be good.

I remember the lady reading the ribbons telling me i was going to meet a rich man from Nottingham and tour around the world!:yesyes:this was about 15 year ago and im still waiting he better hurry up my times nearly up. So if you know any rich men from Nottingham please send him my way !:)

I always find this kind of thing interesting though and if i get the chance will probably go again.


13-11-08, 14:58
just want to say i never said i was living my life by it flymo and i know its weird but i do beleive him because even though i know him i don know him asa close mate to tell him all my business and another thing he told me things only i knew...so just wanted to get that put straight as for honeybee ill keep my eye out lmao xxx