View Full Version : It gets easier

13-11-08, 13:43
Hi my names Jessica and im 17 years old! I'v suffered with depression,anxciety and ocd's from a very young age due to family realeated problems! I missed years of school and had counserling for a good few years which i have only just finished!
I find the problem with depression is no one really understands and just thinks your putting it on,it's not untill you meet people who suffer with similar problems to you that you realise your not the only one out there! I feel from suffering with these problems it makes you a stronger person and you can deal with things better! im on the way to recovery now and feel i have come a long away and im very proud of my self! I think i will allways have deppresion to some level but you learn yourself different ways of coping and over coming your fears!
I take each day as it comes and dont worry about what the following day is going to bring! I just think everyone has a past thats what makes you who you are!

13-11-08, 14:17
Hi Jessica

Welcome to the site I am sure you will find many people on here who understand what you have been through and it is good to hear that things are getting better for you.

Take care


13-11-08, 14:38
Hi Jessica and well done girl for being so postive and how far you have come!

Keep up the good work x

13-11-08, 14:39
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

13-11-08, 14:45
:D lovely post jessica - very wise words - taking it a day at a time is a really good way to deal with life - sometimes though we get caught up with our thoughts/fears and we are either back in the past or waaaay off in the future - im having a particularly bad day today so thanks for reminding me:hugs: and well done to you for getting through it all, hope you like nmp:yesyes:

13-11-08, 15:49
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

13-11-08, 18:40
Hiya Jessica, welcome

Natural Mystic
13-11-08, 18:47
Hi my names Jessica and im 17 years old! I'v suffered with depression,anxciety and ocd's from a very young age due to family realeated problems! I missed years of school and had counserling for a good few years which i have only just finished!
I find the problem with depression is no one really understands and just thinks your putting it on,it's not untill you meet people who suffer with similar problems to you that you realise your not the only one out there! I feel from suffering with these problems it makes you a stronger person and you can deal with things better! im on the way to recovery now and feel i have come a long away and im very proud of my self! I think i will allways have deppresion to some level but you learn yourself different ways of coping and over coming your fears!
I take each day as it comes and dont worry about what the following day is going to bring! I just think everyone has a past thats what makes you who you are!
Bless you Jessica, an inspiration to the young, and old(er)! :bighug1:

13-11-08, 19:12
Welcome to the site hun, I know how you feel. I missed a lot of school, half of year 11 actually! I found no one understood at school, hope you find this site helpful:hugs: xx

milly jones
18-11-08, 17:41
a warm welcome to no more panic

milly xx