View Full Version : Rich kid, poor kid.

13-11-08, 21:45
Clearly i watch way too much telly, but i have to write about this because i am SO angry!

They've chosen the most extreme of divides. You have a girl who "can't bare the thought of state school" and a girl who lives in a house with no furniture, no carpet and her brother sleeps on the floor.

I am working class, i live in a housing association house and i have been on benefits. That does not make me a chav/lazy/a robber, nor does it reflect any how on the way my mother brought me up. I was brought up in a very nice rural area, had money, had new cars, holidays every year - sadly, of course due to mental health problems have i now ended up like this. But i am NOT ashamed of the way i am.

This RICH KID is absolutely disgusting with more prejudices at 15 years old than i have had in my whole entire life. Where does she get those kind of opinions from? Where i come from, having money does NOT make you any better than a person who doesn't.

The only thing that i don't agree with are the kids who have babies as a way of life, a way to get money, i do agree there are some people who are just lazy, but most people have genuine reasons for being on benefits. NO ONE actually wants to live on next to nothing money, do they?

Anybody else with an opinion?

13-11-08, 22:09
have not seen this but sounds terrible x

13-11-08, 22:34
Hi Belle, i understand what you are saying about living on benefits, and too right, you should have no shame. I am certain by reading your posts and watching your youtube posts that you would like nothing better than to be well and choose to go out & work for your money. There are lots of people though who (sadly for us tax payers) are able to work and have no reason not to but find some way of getting out of it. I know many people like this and they make me sick, simply for the fact that financially they are better off than me and my partner who both work. We struggle so hard to keep our haeds above water and have no other option. I am wearing shoes with holes in and a thin denim jacket as i cannot afford to buy anything new. Then there are people nearby who do not work, claim every benefit going (the mind boggles), holiday twice a year, and the list goes on. Then there are people in your situation who are mentally ill, have very little quality of life and would love to be able to get out there and grab life with both hands. So sadly Belle we are both let down by some of lifes parasites.
So sorry for the rant, but you know what it's like to get things off your chest.
Hope you are feeling better by the way, was worried about you yesterday.

13-11-08, 23:27
i was never bought up around money and my mum and dad still now dont have credit cards etc, they never had much money and i think its made me a better person because when the going gets tough i know i can survive and cope when someone pehaps who have been very spoilt wouldnt.

i have always even to this day work hard for wot we get and and we always struggle but im happy and a good person.

14-11-08, 00:15
Hiya hun ...dont know what programme you have watched so cant comment on it ..but i do have views on rich and poor etc....I have neva been nor will eva be bought in 2 stereotype groups I take each person for who THEY are and not where theyare from or how much money they have etc.U asked where the 15yr old got her views from ..well it must be from her family and peers and upbringing ....If that is the way they are bought up that is what they know right or wrong its what they believe .

i was bought up middle class and value everything I have and yes get very angry when I see people buyin things for stupid amounts of money and anoyed at people who cud work but dont ..but thats the way it is and would neva judge any1 on their lifestyle I always judge on the kind of person THEY are .

Belle u are a fantastic person with or without money so u carry on beingyou and u will be just fine xxxxxxxxxxx

14-11-08, 11:45
I watched the programme, I feel the same!

I live on a council estate, my mum has not worked and been on benefits in the past (but she has a great job now) and I don't like the prejudices against people in that situation. They did pick two different extremes didn't they:mad: Really didn't like the rich girl!
