View Full Version : Bad few weeks

13-11-08, 21:59
I think I caught last week what I think was flu, was bed ridden, aching limbs, felt very out of it, very very tired. Just started to come round this week but my waist it hurting so much, front and back, mainly right hand side and abdomen. Am constipated, and today I got a spot of blood in my stools :( which set me off even more.

I was wondering can flu go right through your body and attack parts systematically. Have a ultrasound next week, because i have raised lft levels and they want to rule out gallbladder stones.

Am starting to feel abit depressed now as it seems one thing after another and am trying to hold back the waves of anxiety and doing the pinching thing a bit more lately but it seems to be having less of an effect.

14-11-08, 00:20
Hi ,Firstly You dont have a kidney infection do u or a urinary tract infection as both those are linked with eachother and come on even more in these cold months. i have been suffering from this for over 2 weeks and ave been on anti biotics .also iam constiaptedtoo TMI lol but that cud explain ur blood in ur stools?! because u cud of pull somethink in ur bum while straining etc. ave u been to see ur doctor did you say cos thats best idea i can think of but from wot u said u felt rough and the pain in ur waist are exactly wot i got wiv my urinary tract infection that has affected my kidneys slightly its not serious so dnt worry it jus gives stabbin crampy pains around stomach,back,pelvis,and up in bk where my kidneys and my urine just feels warm.lol sorry for long post i jus fought id share this,but please dnt worry go and see ur doc for reasurance. Were all here in the nmp family to help and support u so dont get down.love C.xx

29-11-08, 10:53
i have some simliar symptoms but more of a dull ache round kdney area ??? is it really painfull.....trying to get to see docs if things dont improve next week....freaks me out