View Full Version : anyone about? Severe emetophobic feeling very sick,SO scared

13-11-08, 22:01
Is there anyon around at the mo?

I have a SEVERE vomit and diarhoea phobia and am feeling SO sick now, also got major stomach cramps. felt off all day. have taken all the meds i can safely take but not feeling any better. am SO scared and just had enough of life, really want to end it because i cant stand the strain a day longer. i live by myself and am terrified. would so appreciate any company, help etc...

thank you sooooooooo much for listening to a crazy person!


13-11-08, 22:04
ellie go in the chat room and talk to people sweetie it helps

16-11-08, 23:09
I am so sorry to hear you were feeling so dreadful - and I really, really hope that you are feeling at least a bit better now. I have been in the position you are in and know how completely heartbreaking it feels to be so scared and overwhelmed by emetaphobia.

But, and it is a big but, it does get better. We all have horrendous times but we all have wonderful times too. Unfortunately the awful times are truly dreadful and we forget how great life can be when we are experiencing them.

I guess people don't realise that things really do get worse before they get better - and for people like us, things really do get much worse before they get better.... but, they always get better.

Hang on in there - you will get better. You will not always feel like this.

x x x

16-11-08, 23:09
Oh - and incidently, you are not crazy!!