View Full Version : Citalopram for 7 weeks, feeling worse

13-11-08, 22:27
I've been on Citalopram for about 7 weeks now. At the start I had the same experiences as most people - dry mouth, dizziness, nausea, slurred speech etc. However, once these side effects cleared up I began to feel like myself again. Unfortunately, this only lasted for about a fortnight. At my last appointment with my Dr, she wanted to up my dose of 20mg to 40mg. I declined, saying that the dose I was on at the time was working well for me (which it was).

The past week or so I've felt worse than usual. I'm going to make another appointment to see my Dr asap. I was just wondering if anyone else has had this type of experience with Citalopram? If so, was it a case of the drug didn't work for you as an individual or that the dosage was too low?

16-11-08, 19:10
Hi!i Basically Had The Same As You,a Few Good Days After 3 Weeks,but Didnt Feel Like They Were Doing Anything After 6weeks .my Dose Has Been Increased Now,only Been 3 Days ,but My Anx Has Slightly Improved So Im Optimistic.sounds Like Your Dose Needs Increasing,good Luck Sue

16-11-08, 19:56
I'm on 10mg and have been feeling better then worse again off and on, does increasing the dose cause any more side effects? Feel a bit poo today cos just been down and worrying/moping a bit.

16-11-08, 20:11
Yep...this is exactly my experience...I was over the moon the first two weeks on Citalopram as I thought I was finally getting better..then ..bang..I plummetted into the depths of depression again. All the old symptoms back...nausea..aches pains..low mood. Five weeks in and I am worse than ever.
I am back to the GP tomorrow and hopefully get some help!

16-11-08, 23:04
It takes time for citalopram to get into your body and work. 20mg is a relatively small dose. I myself had to go from 20 then 30 and then 40 before it worked for me. There are people on 60mg. Each individual has to find the dose that is right for them. The side effects if any are not as bad as when you first start on Citalopram and these go away after a few days.

Have faith as it takes a while but you will feel better once the correct dose is taken.

Best regards


17-11-08, 20:12
I've also been on Citalopram for seven weeks. I started off on 20mg and had the headaches, sweats, yawning etc. I kept going for a month but felt absoultely no different. I went back to the doctor and he increased the doasage to 30mg. I've now been taking this for three weeks but still can't feel any improvement. I'm sleeping for hours at weekends and still sweating profusely. Am just wondering if I should persist, I'm desperate to feel better, but would have thought I would have noticed some difference. Have also been on Seroxat in the past but it was very much the same story. Any advice would be greatly appreciated...