View Full Version : Sudden panic!

13-11-08, 22:51
A few weeks ago I got a bit of an upset stomach - followed by a minor panic about a strange spot I had (I have lots and lots of moles so I have always been a bit worried about Skin Cancer) - I got over the worry about the spot, but then things went from bad to worse.

My stomach upset didn't go away and I started to feel really sluggish and off my food (both I know were probably caused completely by the upset itself) but as my mum has Chrones disease I was particularly worried - I had a test done and was cleared for any problems down there... however in the meantime...

As I was feeling off my food and tired I thought it could possibly be tonsilitis as I am prone towards it - I found a very slightly enlarged lymph node and went to a nurse - who said it looked like tonsilitis and I was given penicillin - but after a few days I couldn't find any white spots on my tonsils so I stopped taking the penicillin and went back to the doctor - who said I didn't have any signs of tonsillitis besides the enlarged lymph.

I had several blood tests done, and the first set came back with a white blood cell deficiency - but I had another test taken a fortnight later and that calmed my worries by coming back normal (so everyone has suggested I probably had a virus that I have since gotten rid of).

However, despite people telling me i'm fine, I have noticed that my lymph node is still up - even though several doctors have told me it's nothing to worry about but I have been a mess, and hysterical for weeks - I was finally getting better today until my flatmate announced they had just lost a friend to cancer - which has set me back off on this crazy spiral again.

Basically to cut a (very) long story short, I have an enlarged lymph node - although it is rather small, and its slightly tender. I also have a sore neck - not a sore throat, but it feels like my oesophagus hurts - or maybe i've just pulled a muscle. It also feels like my chest hurts - but that may be because i got into a panic about breast cancer and poked around a bit too much.

I finally calm myself down about things - but having just quit smoking, which was a five year habit - and i'm only 20, i'm extremely panicked about things. I had calmed down believing that my age was a big plus for me as it made lots of things more and more unlikely - but a flatmate having announced they've just lost somene to cancer - and specifying a friend - which makes me believe they're quite young has scared the life out of me.

This is not like me, I've had meningitis as a child and have rarely properly worried about my health but i have destoryed myself over the last month and I want it to go away so badly - does anyone know what could be wrong (did I mention it also kinda feels like my ear is blocked - possibly caused by the enlarged lymph)... I'm sorry but i've driven my friends crazy and don't want to worry my family.

Anyone else had similar experience?