View Full Version : Why is this happening?(DP/DR question)

14-11-08, 12:10
I seem to be suffering very intensly with Depersonalisation/Derealisation. Why does this make us question everything about the meaning of life? Also i find that i cant settle for the moment and my head is racing ahead to try and think of whats coming tomorrow and the future and because i cant see or know its freaking me out. even though i know that im not ment to know whats coming next why is my mind freaking out at this?? why cant i feel settled and wanting to rush on to the next day in my mind am i going mad?? whats causing my mind to think like this?? will it eventually go away? im scared now i have had this thought il always feel likt this as i wont forget it. is this the dp thats causing it??help

14-11-08, 16:16
need some reassurance and support :weep:

14-11-08, 16:55
Hiya Cheeky,

Yes it sounds like its dp/dr, i have had this and for me the only way to calm it down or even stop it or at least make it a shorter length of time that i have to suffer it, is to just let the thoughts run through my mind, pay no attention to them, dont question them, just let them come and go. If i do say anything, a just say to myself, "its just anxiety, nothing important, doesnt need my attention !"

I know that is so much easier said than done, but it does get easier the more you do it, its a lot easier than sitting trying to work out what it all means, because it doesnt mean anything, its just anxiety make thoughts run through your mind. JUST THOUGHTS that without your attention can cause no harm what so ever.

Hope this helps chick, it does take time to master doing this, but it will get easier the more you just ignore it, mad isnt it to be told to do nothing, b ut it works , i promise

Take care

15-11-08, 00:03
Sarah is right. Ignoring is the best thing to do. I know how hard it is when you feel so horrible. I have had this on and off for a few years and it has never harmed me. At times it still scares me, but I remind myself that it will go away like it did before. You will feel better.
Take care.