View Full Version : I really need reassurance! Stomach and bowels

14-11-08, 15:57
I'm really, really freakin gout. I've had to take some diazepam to take the edge off.

I've moved from stressing over my reproductive system to my digestive system! For the past 5 years I've had IBS and for the past 10 months excess acid with months between when I'm fine. I should also mention that a year ago I hd a sigmoidoscopy because of suspected rectal bleeding that turned out to have been period spotting due to thyroid issues. Thank heavens!

Anyway, what has me going postal this time is three or four (sorry to be gross) little black dots amongst the normal brown when wiping after doing a number two. The stools themselves look normal and brown (if a little loose with nerves).

I'm really hoping for folks to tell me that this is normal and everyone gets them too! I'm trying to convince myself that it's something to do with the normal digestive process. Please don't scare me or tell me to go to my GP. I plan to anyway, but I have to get through this weekend and the way I feel now I don't know if I can.:weep:

14-11-08, 17:08
Hi Helen

I have had this exact same thing. Mine was undigested spinach and lots of other food can show up in your stools if not chewed or digested properly!

When you are feeling anxious as well everything seems 10 times worse and things that wouldn't normally bother us turn into something dramatic.

Try and get some rest and relaxation over the weekend.

Lolly xx

Thank you, Lolly! I do get undigested food, but they tend to be larger and more obvious, but I'm going to take heart that you've said that you get the exact same. That is exactly what I needed to hear (read). :hugs:

17-11-08, 15:27
Lol! Dear I get that too. Im being very honest. Really weird things happen to the food we eat once its digested. Like today I had a dinner which consisted of lentil and then a fried chicken dish, later on some chocolate cookies and then an apple and I'll have veggie rice for dinner. Think about all we eat in a day! Food turns out weird down there!

17-11-08, 16:08
Lol! Dear I get that too. Im being very honest. Really weird things happen to the food we eat once its digested. Like today I had a dinner which consisted of lentil and then a fried chicken dish, later on some chocolate cookies and then an apple and I'll have veggie rice for dinner. Think about all we eat in a day! Food turns out weird down there!

LOL Thank you!:hugs: Anxiety can do the wierdest things to our rational minds. Ever since this newest 'thing' I've been suffering with excess acid. An--noying or what? *rolls eyes* I wish I had this same effect on the lottery!:blush: