View Full Version : Blocked Ear?

14-11-08, 20:47
I have this constant feeling that my left ear is slightly blocked - even though there have been no changes in my hearing, it constantly feels like i need to clean it with a cotton bud - but it doesn't help. Ive been to the doctors and they just told me to stop using cotton buds - i have a slightly inflamed lymph node on the same side. Anyone experienced this? I am new to this anxiety and the past month has been an absolute nightmare!



14-11-08, 20:50
Hi Laura

I am getting this as we speak. Im worried about it all at the moment. There is a post I put in called Neck Gland. I did go to the docs last week, who said that the fluid from my head wasnt draining, due to a cut/sore scalp.

Try not to worry (says she) as I'm sure it is nothing serious.

Emma xx

14-11-08, 20:53
Yeah tell me about it, stopping worrying is most definitely easier said than done.

Thanks Emma - i'm completely new to this whole situation, rarely been worried about health in the past but suddenly completely terrified about everything - I have been checked out multiple times and everyone says there's nothing wrong.

It kinda feel like the entire left side of my head has something wrong as my cheek feels dodgy too, but i'm sure i'm creating symptoms as i go along...



14-11-08, 21:17
Its a nightmare isnt it. Im prodding and poking tonight, convinced I can feel another lump, checking under arms etc. Have had this for years and cetainly not as bad as I useg to be. Its very hard to turn your mind away from it, but try to remember it is your thoughts that are making the situation worse.

1) You have a symptom
2) You then start thinking negative thoughts
3) Your behaviour then changes. For example shutting yourself away, not going out etc.

The reality is you have seen the doctor, you are in control of your thoughts and your behaviour then stays rational.

Why don't I think like this :-)

Emma xx

14-11-08, 21:26
I have problems with my ears, they are very itchy and get blocked due to a build up of wax. It never use to happen to me until a few years ago so it could be something to do with the anxiety. I have had tinnatus too since 2001.

Just this morning I was thinking that some tea tree or aloe vera ear drops may help but not sure if such things exist and whether they would be beneficial or not. Could be worth investigating for you too?

14-11-08, 21:36
Hopi Candles are very good. I use these on myself and the family. Cannot do on infectious ears or burst eardrums. ( if you do decide to use these, read the instructions carefully, before use)

14-11-08, 22:47
Hi Emmajane

I have had troubles with my ears all my life, nearly.

I am now 56 and a half, have bone marrow cancer and my balance has completely gone. I get a lot of wax which have to be micro suctioned at the hospital as I have a burst eardrum.

They do not know if my balance problems are to do with my ears, e.g. ear fluid, or if it is connected to the myeloma, or both. Any ideas.

Love from Rosy

06-05-09, 15:49
Hiya Laura,

I have had this feeling for the last year! It is in my left side and I just feel like the whole left side of my head, cheek, eye and mouth are not right at all! A bit numb, swolen feeling, tingley! Is that what you are experiencing?

06-05-09, 15:59
yea h i hv this every day, what is that, suddenly i feel like ear blocked can't hear, no matter how i try to dig my ear, but it never help, sometimes i feel like water inside shaky, sometimes it sounds what is that/it feels likephelgm inside.

25-06-17, 21:02
Hello everyone am just new to this site. I have been experiencing similar ear block as same with everyone. I would like to know if it is just me who also experience increased pressure in my ear while chewing or moving my jaw. It feels like my jaw movement affects the pressure in my ear. As I chew it feels like inside my ears bulges and relaxes. Please am I the only one also feeling this?