View Full Version : No idea where to start

14-11-08, 21:07
I don't know why i'm posting this, or if it's in the right section, but i'm new to the board and just wanted some general advice.

Basically i've always been an anxious type of person, but I can see my anxiety's beginning to get worse. Whenever I have an ache or pain or feel a lump I imagine the worst. :unsure: I'll only eat 'safe foods' (things i've eaten many times before) because otherwise I worry i'll have some sort of allergic reaction. I'm terrified of having an anaphylactic (sp?) reaction.

I won't use bubble bath or moisturiser that I haven't used before because i'm scared i'll get a bad rash and that will set my health anxiety off.... I'm terrified of going on medication to control my panic because of the side affects.....

I have OCD and am often found prowling the house late at night, checking all the electric appliances are switched off and all the doors are locked.

My dad's got a stomach bug at the moment and i'm TERRIFIED i'm going to catch it. I worry terribly about the health of my family and friends. I feel so neurotic and insane :weep:

I'm really not sure what to do with myself. I'm 18 years old and I know I shouldn't be like this, but I really don't want to go to the doctor about it, i'm even too embarassed to tell my parents and family. You think it'd be obvious to them, but i've become good at hiding my anxiety from them, and unlike many people with health anx, I avoid the doctor and just panic at home.

I realize I have a problem, but have absolutely no idea how to get better. Does anyone have any tips for breathing exercises and things? Also, for those of you who see a doctor, how have you gone about explaining how you feel? What has your doctor's reaction been like?

Sorry for all the questions xxx

14-11-08, 21:28
Hello Frenchflower,

Anxiety is a really difficult thing to cope with, and it can make you feel very lonely and isolated, simply because not everyone understands how it makes you feel and react to things. I think it would be a really good idea for you to see your doctor, because i am sure there is every chance he/she will be able to help you; most doctors understand and react in a sympathetic way. They may suggest you try some therapy, which can be really helpful. Please don't feel awkward about seeking help, you are so young and i think the sooner you can get support the better. Perhaps it would be a good thing to confide in your family, i am sure they will be supportive too and want to help you feel better. I am pleased you have found this site, because you will find so much support. All the best. Rosie

14-11-08, 21:35
Hello and welcome

Firstly big hug for being brave to come on and post. Glad you have found this site cos' it could be of great comfort to you ( just knowing you are not the only person who feels like that).

Have a look in the OCD and health anixety and I think you'll have a big sigh of relief that you are not alone.

I think the 1st place to start is the Dr. Just so that they are in the picture on what is happening to you. Dr's reactions vary. I saw one Dr who was horrific. But another Dr I saw turned out to be fantastic and she has been a real help whereas I was a pain in the bottom and wouldn't listen to her for ages! But she didn't give up on me and when I did crawl back to her door needing big help she was there to dust me down and help me back on my feet.

I think it is wise to take in notes to the Dr so if you get anxious you can just hand them the piece of paper. You could print what you wrote here off and take that.

I just sat there burst into tears and handed my Dr the notes I had made in my diary.

Dr's are associated with handing out drugs. But I personally do not see them as an actual cure - they can really help you ( they really helped me and I am very grateful for them for that) and hopefully eventually help you to cure it. But I believe it also needs the individual to work hard to help themselves. But there are lots of other things to help yourself. In fact it is a minefield and you might have to try lots of things out to find out what suits you.

Exercise wise I personally find great benefits from walking, swimming and piliates. Yoga is another popular one.

I also find acupuncture very relaxing and destressing and seeing my Osteopath (gets my adrenalin glands behaving again).

I also use Lavender oil on a tissue by my pillow to help relax my mind to help it stop racing away.

There is a great book by Dr Claire Weekes which is like a bible on this site! Do a search for it on this site for further info. It is a simple book on what is happening to you and makes it much less scary.

I am sure others will be along with lots of good advice.
Keep asking questions and you are not alone and there is lots of help for you xxxxx

14-11-08, 21:41
Hi French Flower, welcome to the site.

samc100, what a brilliant post, sums it all up.


14-11-08, 21:49
Hello FF

You are obsessive for sure, all this worrying about what you eat etc etc. There's lots of info on the web and on this website about coping techniques for breathing etc.

You need to see your gp because this will only get worse if you don't get some help. It's all anxiety of course and something is troubling you deep down.

You take care