View Full Version : coffee & smoking

15-11-08, 09:58
Hi Folks,

Just interested to know if any of you have cut coffee and smoking or even alcohol out, and if so, have you noticed any difference in your symptoms ?? :winks:

15-11-08, 10:08
hi sarah iv cut coffee coke and any think with caffine out as it tends 2 make me more anxious and i completly avoid alcohol but dont think i could cope without smoking lol

15-11-08, 10:10
Lol im the same with smoking, but im thinking of giving it my best shot of giving up, having said this just having had one ! ta for your input

15-11-08, 10:36
Awwww Thank you Ozzy

15-11-08, 10:51
I gave up smoking and gave up alcohol, cut down on my coke a cola. But to be honest it really hasn't helped with the heart palpation (I think my heart palpation is because im constantly worrying about my heart tho) BUT IT has helped with my blood pressure and my pulse rate has been the lowest in a long time.

good luck with trying to give up smoking x

15-11-08, 23:55
No gave up smoking but it doesnt help with the anxietys i ave ,but i gave up as i dnt think it helps me either i fought it calmed me down in stressful siituations but it doesnt Lol so ive quit for good i dnt need them,but what i do need is support and i wish u look with quiting i just know u can do it. good luck,bestwishes C.xxx

16-11-08, 03:31
dont want to give up smokeing it helps , no coffie but tea loads of it

16-11-08, 10:02
I gave up smoking and booze, when i found out i was pregnant 8 months ago. Then all of a sudden i had health anxiety. I wonder if its related combined with hormones hmmm:unsure:

16-11-08, 10:38
I don't smoke and since I developed HA I cut out caffine as well....... I suppose the result is I feel physically healthy and energetic (which is ironic, since I spend every day thinking I've got some awful disease or other)...... But my anxiety levels are still high. I do drink the odd glass of wine or beer - which I find helps.

16-11-08, 13:10
Gosh im really surprised at these answers, i thought more or less everyone would say they felt so much better having cut these out. May start a pole but not sure how to do it, would be interesting to see.

Dying with out my usual intake of nicotine, think its making me worse. But im sure it will pass and that i will soon feel some benefits, i cut out coffee, and would never drink it again, it did make a difference to me.

Any help with a pole would be good ta

16-11-08, 18:24
I stoped smoking as I figured it was the number one thing i could do to actually improve my real health and I was starting to feel unhelathy - wheezy, breathless, etc. It has definitely helped me and my health anxiety - I feel much better physically and mentally. I have the odd one now and then (when others around me smoke) and these are the only times I have had full blown panic attacks for years. Hope you stay off the fags - it took me four attempts to quit for good (and a tyrant of a husband who quit at the same time and would kill me if I started again - it's worked though!).

16-11-08, 18:36
Ta seeker,
Im trying very hard, i can say i have seriously cut down from maybe 20/25 a day to 5 a day, i just figured i would find it a bit easier, stopping from a smaller number. I wil stop though, im sure of it and have never wanted to as much as i do this time. Im also cutting down from drinking, i drank about 2 glasses of wine a night, some say this is a lot some say its not. But i feel i can quit this easily, so its just better for my health in general. I want all my energy for the day time, to fully recover, and dont feel i need to be tired just for a glass of wine or two, also i can look forward to a drink at the weekend.

30-07-10, 01:08
I quit smoking 4 weeks today cold turkey and havnt smoked since. Before I was diagnosed with depression I tried on numerous occasions to stop and went completely bonkers.So that leads me to think that my antidepressant must be tickling the same receptors in my brain that would have previously been tortured. The strange thing is that since stopping I now find I am actively seeking caffiene which I did not do before so I guess I have reduced one addiction with another. God but the human psyche is an anomoly.

30-07-10, 06:41
Hi I quit smoking 3 months ago. The lump in my throat sensation started then. So I thought f&£k that I'm quitting.

I wish I'd done it years ago! I'm a specialist dental nurse too! So I've had 10 years worth of dentists nagging me and me nagging back give up booze! I've knocked it all on the head. I wasn't a very big drinker ( was in my late teens, early 20's) ( binge drinker I guess) and you know what? I don't even think about smoking anymore. I feel so much better for it. Can exercise with feeling like my chest is caving in! I can't stand the smell of coffee anymore! And I was a voucher collecting cafè Nero freak! I feel miles better. I still have HA but not full blown panic attacks anymore. I only have one glass of gin and slim if I'm out with friends/hubby or maybe 2? Even that starts my neck pain off and lump in the throat to feel worse! So I'm designated driver! They all love me! Lol but I would defo recommend quitting them all ONLY IF YOU WANT TO! you can only quit something when your focused and ready! Good luck to you all! Also unrealated topic - try yoga, meditation and have a professional massage. It has worked wonders for me. Peace to you all, God bless

Nina xx

30-07-10, 18:16
hiya... its been 9 months since i lost had a cigarette or caffeine im much better than i was in the beginning but i still suffer with what i was told was anxiety...

30-07-10, 18:20
I unintentionally stopped smoking when I developed issues with eating. The slightest of smells made me feel sick, including the smell of smoke. 6 or so weeks on I'm eating normally and can put up with most smells except for smoke so haven't had a cigarette at all.
Good luck with quitting :)

30-07-10, 19:21
Hi there i gave up smoking in Jan this year and was doing so well until 2 months ago and started on and off again, since then my panic attacks have come back i hadnt had one for over a year, i think it was the stress of smoking then stopping and starting and doing my own head in about so ive stopped completely now, i tell myself if i have a ciggy or start again i will continue to have panic attacks.
Ive cut down coffee and im not going to drink for awhile because ive just started meds.

31-07-10, 00:00
Hi There,
I used to smoke 30ish a day (for 25 years) I thought I would go barmy and would be unable to cope with the stress and anxiety without smoking.
(bloody stupid thing for me with a health anxiety to do any way)
I stopped smoking after reading alan carr 8 months ago and the weirdest thing is my stress is so reduced, I cant believe how much better I feel. i could go on and on about how positive it is and how amazing it is!
The thought of stopping smoking is so scary but the reality is great, i really wish I had done it years ago!
word of warning though, try to use the patches rather than the gum if you need additional help, every one i know that have used gum is now addicted to the gum rather than the fags!!!
Good Luck, If i can do it any one can!!!!:yesyes: