View Full Version : Fed up with this

anx mum
15-11-08, 10:13
Went to docs again yesterday he said my heart beating to quick when exerising so now ive gotta have exercise ecg. Perharps there find out whats wrong with me one day?:weep:

15-11-08, 10:45
:hugs:do you get anxious when your excising? as soon as I do a exercise video, or start walking a long way my heart goes so fast, and does such a massive hard thump. Im sure every thing is ok I will PM you later after I come back from shopping to see if your ok xxx :hugs:

anx mum
15-11-08, 10:49
Thanks for replying speak later

15-11-08, 10:50
Hi anx mum and leeann

I can't even walk to the paper shop never mind exercise. Dear anx mum, how far do you manage to walk when your exercising? A couple of years ago I could walk down the road, but i'd get all sick and dizzy.

As for Leeann going shopping, lucky thing. I can't even get out of my front door.

Happy xmas


15-11-08, 10:55
aw rosy I'm so sorry you cant go out. I try to push my self to get out. I cant go on my own tho I've got to have some one with me. My heart goes so weird when im. I try to get out because of my daughter but it is hard.


anx mum
15-11-08, 11:03
Hi rosie same here only go out in car. Just walking around house or housework etc my heart races

anx mum
15-11-08, 11:05
Good u go out ive got 2 boys. My dad has the 3 year old til 4pm everyday. Ive got my 10 month at home with me. Find it hard to go out.

15-11-08, 12:17
Hi Leeann and Anx Mum

Thank you both for your replies. Im so glad this website is here to help us all.:flowers:

I can go out in a taxi or in someones car OK, its the walking that does it. I go all dizzy and vertigoy when I try to walk along the road.

Thats been a few months now and at last the hospital are talking about scans. I only want to do some Xmas shopping, will have to do it all online.

All the best

PS I bet the shops are crowded today

anx mum
15-11-08, 12:30
Thats what im like my legs go weak and i feel dizzy. My sons birthday next week dont know how im gonna get his presents. Dont like crowds. Ive goto have scans to.

15-11-08, 12:49
Dear anx mum

Do you go all wobbly legged, like youre a bit drunk? Its horrid.

What kind of scans are you having?

Rosy (PS Get pressies online lo!)


15-11-08, 14:29
Hiya rosy and anx mum.

Im back now I had a panic attack in the taxi on the way there :blush: only got xmas paper. Ive done all presents on line. I hate crowds my heart goes so weird. And I no what you both mean when your legs turn to jelly its horrible my body goes all weak.

How are you both? I hope your scans both come back ok. Im sure they will. ive only had ECGs done my last one was about a year ago.

anx mum
15-11-08, 15:57
u did well to get wrapping paper. Are u glad to b home?

16-11-08, 07:57
Wrapped my my daughters pressies last night. I was glad to be home. But I still get a lot of panic attacks at home so cant win where ever i go :weep: but I feel more safer at home xx

anx mum
16-11-08, 10:51
Well done for going out. Ive goto go out 2morrow afternoon and get my sons bday presents dreading it hope its quiet.